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Abteilung Astronomie

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DBSORT Source code in dbsort.pro


       Routine to sort list of entries in data base
Calling Sequence
       result = dbsort( list, items , [ REVERSE = ])
Input Parameters
       list - list of entry numbers to sort
               -1 to sort all entries
       items - list of items to sort (up to 9 items)
Output Parameters
       result - numeric vector giving input list sorted by items
Keyword Parameters
       REVERSE - scalar or vector with the same number of elements as the
         the number of items to sort.  If the corresponding element of REVERSE
         is non-zero then that item is sorted in descending rather than
         ascending order.
       Sort an astronomical catalog with RA as primary sort, and declination
       as secondary sort (used when RA values are equal)
          IDL> NEWLIST = DBSORT( -1, 'RA,DEC' )
       If for some reason, one wanted the DEC sorted in descending order, but
       the RA in ascending order
          IDL> NEWLIST = DBSORT( -1, 'RA,DEC', REV = [ 0, 1 ] )
       The list is sorted such that each item is sorted into
       asscending order starting with the last item.
Common Blocks
Procedures Used
Revision History
       VERSION 1  D. Lindler  Oct. 86
       Added REVERSE keyword   W. Landsman        August, 1991
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 April 26 at 03:12 UTC

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