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DBINDEX Source code in dbindex.pro


       Procedure to create index file for data base (V5.2 or later)
Calling Sequence
       dbindex, [ items ]
Optional Input Parameters
       items - names or numbers of items to be index -- if not supplied,
               then all indexed fields will be processed.
Output Parameters
       Index file .dbx is created on disk location ZDBASE:
       (1) Data base must have been previously opened for update
       by DBOPEN
       (2) Only 18 items can be indexed at one time.   If the database has
       more than 18 items, then two separate calls to DBINDEX are needed.
Procedures Used
Revision History
       version 2  D. Lindler  Nov 1987 (new db format)
       W. Landsman    added optional items parameter Feb 1989
       M. Greason     converted to IDL version 2.  June 1990.
       William Thompson, GSFC/CDS (ARC), 30 May 1994
               Added support for external (IEEE) data format
       Test if machine is bigendian  W. Landsman     May, 1996
       Change variable name of BYTESWAP to BSWAP  W. Thompson  Mar, 1997
       Increased number of fields to 15   W. Landsman   June, 1997
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997
       Increase number of items to 18     W. Landsman  November 1999
       Allow multiple valued (nonstring) index items W. Landsman November 2000
       Use 64 bit integers for V5.2 or later  W. Landsman February 2001

Last modified by pro2html on 2003 January 22 at 04:36 UTC

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