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DBFPARSE Source code in dbfparse.pro


     Parse the search string supplied to DBFIND.   Not a standalone routine
Calling Sequence
     DBFPARSE, [ spar, items, stype, values ]
Input Parameters
     spar - search parameter specification, scalar string
Output Parameters
     items - list of items to search on
     stype - search type, numeric scalar
               0    item=values(j,0)
               -1   item>values(j,0)
               -2   item
Revision History
     D. Lindler NOV, 1987
     Check for valid numeric values before assuming a date string
     W. Landsman                    July, 1993
     Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997
     Accept four digit years when in ccyy/doy format W. Landsman   October 1998

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 August 07 at 09:36 UTC

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