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DBDELETE Source code in dbdelete.pro


       Deletes specified entries from data base
Calling Sequence
       DBDELETE, list, [ name, /DEBUG ]
Input Parameters
       list - list of entries to be deleted, scalar or vector
       name - optional name of data base, scalar string.  If not specified
               then the data base file must be previously opened for update
               by DBOPEN.
       !PRIV must be at least 3 to execute.
Side Effects
       The data base file (ZDBASE:name.DBF) is modified by removing the
       specified entries and reordering the remaining entry numbers
       accordingly (ie. if you delete entry 100, it will be replaced
       by entry 101 and the database will contain 1 less entry.
        Delete entries in a database STARS where RA=DEC = 0.0
        IDL> !PRIV= 3                           ;Set privileges
        IDL> dbopen,'STARS',1                   ;Open for update
        IDL> list = dbfind('ra=0.0,dec=0.0')    ;Obtain LIST vector
        IDL> dbdelete, list             ;Delete specified entries from db
       The procedure is rather slow because the entire database is re-
       created with the specified entries deleted.
Keyword Parameters
        DEBUG - if this keyword is set and non-zero, then additional
               diagnostics will be printed as each entry is deleted.
Common Blocks
Procedures Used
Revision History
       Version 2  D. Lindler  July, 1989
       Updated documentation   W. Landsman    December 1992
       William Thompson, GSFC, 28 February 1995
                       Fixed bug when external representation used.
       Fixed for case where second parameter supplied W. Landsman April 1996
       Use keyword DEBUG rather than !DEBUG   W. Landsman    May 1997
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 August 07 at 09:35 UTC

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