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DBCOMPARE Source code in dbcompare.pro


     Display two entries in an IDL database side by side in a column format
Calling Sequence
     dbcompare, list1, list2, [items, TEXTOUT= , /DIFF]
Input Parameters
     list1 - Integer scalar giving first entry number to be compared.
     list2 - Integer scalar giving second entry number to be compared.
     items - items to be compared, if not supplied then all items will be
          compared.    The items can be specified in any of the following ways:
             form 1  scalar string giving item(s) as list of names
                     separated by commas
             form 2  string array giving list of item names
             form 3  string of form '$filename' giving name
                     of text file containing items (one item per line)                      line)
             form 4  integer scalar giving single item number or
                     integer vector list of item numbers
             form 5  Null string specifying interactive selection.   This
                     is the default if 'items' is not supplied
             form 6  '*'     select all items (= default)
            If items was undefined or a null string on input, then
            on output it will contain the items interactively selected.
Optional Input Keywords
     /DIFF - If this keyword is set and non-zero, then only the items
             in the database that differ will be printed
     TEXTOUT -  Scalar Integer (1-7) Used to determine output device.   See
               TEXTOPEN for more info.
System Variables
     Output device controlled by non-standard system variable !TEXTOUT, if
     TEXTOUT keyword is not used.
     Display entries 3624 and 3625 in column form showing only the items
     that differ.
               IDL> dbcompare,3624,3625,/diff
Procedures Used
Revision History
     Written,  W. Landsman            July 1996
     Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997
     Fix documentation, add Syntax display    W. Landsman   November 1998
     Replace DATATYPE() with size(/TNAME)   W. Landsman    November 2001

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 November 09 at 04:26 UTC

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