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DBBUILD Source code in dbbuild.pro


       Build a database by appending new values for every item.
       The database must be opened for update (with DBOPEN) before calling
Calling Sequence
       DBBUILD, [ v1, v2, v3, v4......v30, /NOINDEX, /SILENT, STATUS =  ]
Input Parameters
       v1,v2....v30 - vectors containing values for all items in the database.
         V1 contains values for the first item, V2 for the second, etc.
         The number of vectors supplied must equal the number of items
         (excluding entry number) in the database.  The number of elements
         in each vector should be the same.   A multiple valued item
         should be dimensioned NVALUE by NENTRY, where NVALUE is the number
         of values, and NENTRY is the number of entries.
Optional Input Keywords
       NOINDEX - If this keyword is supplied and non-zero then DBBUILD will
             *not* create an indexed file.    Useful to save time if
             DBBUILD is to be called several times and the indexed file need
             only be created on the last call
       SILENT  - If the keyword SILENT is set and non-zero, then DBBUILD
             will not print a message when the index files are generated
Optional Keyword Output
       STATUS - Returns a status code denoting whether the operation was
             successful (1) or unsuccessful (0).  Useful when DBBUILD is
             called from within other applications.
       Suppose a database named STARS contains the four items NAME,RA,DEC, and
       FLUX.   Assume that one already has the four vectors containing the
       values, and that the database definition (.DBD) file already exists.
       IDL> !PRIV=2                  ;Writing to database requires !PRIV=2
       IDL> dbcreate,'stars',1,1   ;Create database (.DBF) & index (.DBX) file
       IDL> dbopen,'stars',1         ;Open database for update
       IDL> dbbuild,name,ra,dec,flux ;Write 4 vectors into the database
       Do not call DBCREATE before DBBUILD if you want to append entries to
       an existing database
       DBBUILD checks that each value vector matches the idl type given in the
       database definition (.DBD) file, and that character strings are the
       proper length.
Revision History
       Written          W. Landsman           March, 1989
       Added /NOINDEX keyword           W. Landsman        November, 1992
       User no longer need supply all items   W. Landsman  December, 1992
       Added STATUS keyword, William Thompson, GSFC, 1 April 1994
       Added /SILENT keyword, William Thompson, GSFC, October 1995
       Allow up to 30 items, fix problem if first item was multiple value
                                 W. Landsman    GSFC, July 1996
       Faster build of external databases on big endian machines
                                 W. Landsman    GSFC, November 1997
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman 24-Nov-1997
       Use SIZE(/TNAME) for error mesage display  W.Landsman   July 2001
       Fix message display error introduced July 2001  W. Landsman   Oct. 2001

Last modified by pro2html on 2004 February 26 at 04:44 UTC

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