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DB_INFO Source code in db_info.pro


       Function to obtain information on opened data base file(s)
Calling Sequence
       1)  result = db_info(request)
       2)  result = db_info(request,dbname)
 INPUTS (calling sequence 1):
       request - string specifying requested value(s)
               value of request          value returned in result
                       'open'          Flag set to 1 if data base(s) are opened
                       'number'        Number of data base files opened
                       'items'         Total number of items (all db's opened)
                       'update'        update flag (1 if opened for update)
                       'unit_dbf'      Unit number of the .dbf files
                       'unit_dbx'      Unit number of the .dbx files
                       'entries'       Number of entries in the db's
                       'length'        Record lengths for the db's
                       'external'      True if the db's are in external format
 INPUTS (calling sequence 2):
       request - string specifying requested value(s)
                  value of request       value returned in result
                       'name'          Name of the data base
                       'number'        Sequential number of the db
                       'items'         Number of items for this db
                       'item1'         Position of item1 for this db
                                       in item list for all db's
                       'item2'         Position of last item for this db.
                       'pointer'       Number of the item which points
                                       to this db. 0 for first or primary
                                       db.  -1 if link file pointers.
                       'length'        Record length for this db.
                       'title'         Title of the data base
                       'unit_dbf'      Unit number of the .dbf file
                       'unit_dbx'      Unit number of the .dbx file
                       'entries'       Number of entries in the db
                       'seqnum'        Last sequence number used
                       'alloc'         Allocated space (# entries)
                       'update'        1 if data base opened for update
                       'external'      True if data base in external format
       dbname - data base name or number
Output Parameters
       Requested value(s) are returned as the function value.
Revision History
       version 1  D. Lindler    Oct. 1987
       changed type from 1 to 7 for IDLV2, J. Isensee, Nov., 1990
       William Thompson, GSFC/CDS (ARC), 30 May 1994
               Added EXTERNAL request type.
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 April 26 at 03:11 UTC

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