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Abteilung Astronomie

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DB_ENT2HOST Source code in db_ent2host.pro


       Converts a database entry from external data format to host format.
       All items are extracted from the entry, and then converted to host
       format, and placed back into the entry.  Called from DBRD and DBEXT_DBF.
Calling Sequence
Input Parameters
       ENTRY   = Byte array containing a single record read from the
                 database file.
       DBNO    = Number of the opened database file.
Output Parameters
       ENTRY   = The converted array is returned in place of the input array.
Common Blocks
Revision History
       Version 1, William Thompson, GSFC/CDS (ARC), 1 June 1994
       Version 2, William Thompson, GSFC/CDS (ARC), 15 September 1995
                       Fixed bug where only the first element in a
                       multidimensional array was converted.
       Version 3, Richard Schwartz, GSFC/SDAC, 23 August 1996
               Allow 2 dimensional byte arrays for entries to facilitate
               multiple entry processing.    Pass IDLTYPE onto IEEE_TO_HOST
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997
       Version 4, 2 May 2003, W. Thompson
               Use BSWAP keyword to DBXVAL instead of calling IEEE_TO_HOST.

Last modified by pro2html on 2003 May 20 at 03:38 UTC

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