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Abteilung Astronomie

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XYXY Source code in xyxy.pro


       To use a pair of headers to convert X/Y positions from one frame
       to another.
Calling Sequence
       XYXY, hdra, hdrb, xa, ya, [ xb, yb ]
Input Parameters
       hdra - The header containing the plate solution describing the
              frame of reference being converted FROM.
       hdra - The header containing the plate solution describing the
              frame of reference being converted TO.
       xa   - A scalar or vector containing the x coordinate(s) to convert.
       ya   - A scalar or vector containing the y coordinate(s) to convert.
              Must have the same number of elements as 'xa'.
Output Parameters
       xb   - The converted x coordinate(s).  If this parameter is not
              specified, it is returned through 'xa'.
       yb   - The converted y coordinate(s).  If this parameter is not
              specified, it is returned through 'ya'.
       The procedures 'xyad' and 'adxy' are used to perform the
       conversion.     The equinoxes of each header are checked with
       "get_equinox" to make sure that they are identical, and "precess"
       is used if they are not.   HEULER used if the headers have a different
       coordinate system (e.g. Celestial, Galactic, Ecliptic)
       Note that all X,Y coordinates are in the IDL convention (starting with
       0,0) and not the FITS convention (first pixel is 1,1)
Procedures Used
Revision History
       Written by Michael R. Greason, Hughes-STX, 13 April 1992.
       Updated to use ASTROMETRY structures.  J.D.Offenberg, HSTX, Jan 1993
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997
       Check coordinate system   J. Ballet/ W. Landsman  April 2004

Last modified by pro2html on 2004 April 20 at 03:46 UTC

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