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WCS_GETPOLE Source code in wcs_getpole.pro


       Compute the coordinates of the native pole for a non-polar projection
       For non-polar (cylindrical or conic) projections, the native pole is
       not at the reference point, and WCS_GETPOLE is used to determine the
       position of the native pole.    See section 2.4 of the paper
       "Representation of Celestial Coordinates in FITS" by Calabretta
       Greisen (2002, A&A, 395, 1077, also available at
       http://www.aoc.nrao.edu/~egreisen    Called by WCS_ROTATE
Calling Sequence
       WCS_GETPOLE,  crval, lonpole, theta0, alpha_p, delta_p, LATPOLE= ]
Input Parameters
       crval - 2 element vector containing standard system coordinates (the
               longitude and latitude) of the reference point in degrees
       lonpole - native longitude of the celestial North Pole (degrees)
       theta0 - native latitude of the fiducial point
Output Parameters
       alpha_p, delta_p - celestial longitude and latitude of the native pole
Keyword Parameters
       LATPOLE - native latitude of the celestial North Pole (degrees)
Revision History
       Written    W. Landsman               June, 2003
       Fix calculation when theta0 is not 0 or 90     February 2004

Last modified by pro2html on 2004 February 06 at 04:42 UTC

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