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EXTAST Source code in extast.pro


     Extract ASTrometry parameters from a FITS image header.
     The astrometry in the header can be in either CD (Coordinate
     description) format, or CROTA and CDELT (AIPS-type) format.
     However, the output astrometry will always be in CD format.
Calling Sequence
     EXTAST, hdr, [ astr, noparams, ALT= ]
Input Parameters
     HDR - variable containing the FITS header (string array)
Output Parameters
     ASTR - Anonymous structure containing astrometry info from the FITS
             header ASTR always contains the following tags (even though
             some projections do not require all the parameters)
      .CD   -  2 x 2 array containing the astrometry parameters CD1_1 CD1_2
               in DEGREES/PIXEL                                 CD2_1 CD2_2
      .CDELT - 2 element vector giving physical increment at reference pixel
      .CRPIX - 2 element vector giving X and Y coordinates of reference pixel
               (def = NAXIS/2) in FITS convention (first pixel is 1,1)
      .CRVAL - 2 element double precision vector giving R.A. and DEC of
             reference pixel in DEGREES
      .CTYPE - 2 element string vector giving projection types, default
      .LONGPOLE - scalar giving native longitude of the celestial pole
             (default = 180 for zenithal projections)
      .LATPOLE - scalar giving native latitude of the celestial pole default=0)
      .PV2 - Vector of projection parameter associated with latitude axis
             PV2 will have up to 21 elements for the ZPN projection, up to 3
             for the SIN projection and no more than 2 for any other
      .DISTORT - optional substructure specifying any distortion parameters
                 currently implemented only for "SIP" (Spitzer Imaging
                 Polynomial) distortion parameters
       NOPARAMS -  Scalar indicating the results of EXTAST
             -1 = Failure - Header missing astrometry parameters
             1 = Success - Header contains CROTA + CDELT (AIPS-type) astrometry
             2 = Success - Header contains CDn_m astrometry, rec.
             3 = Success - Header contains PCn_m + CDELT astrometry.
             4 = Success - Header contains ST  Guide Star Survey astrometry
                           (see gsssextast.pro )
Optional Input Keywords
       ALT -  single character 'A' through 'Z' or ' ' specifying an alternate
              astrometry system present in the FITS header.    The default is
              to use the primary astrometry or ALT = ' '.   If /ALT is set,
              then this is equivalent to ALT = 'A'.   See Section 3.3 of
              Greisen & Calabretta (2002, A&A, 395, 1061) for information about
              alternate astrometry keywords.
       EXTAST checks for astrometry parameters in the following order:
       (1) the CD matrix PC1_1,PC1_2...plus CDELT*, CRPIX and CRVAL
       (3) the CD matrix CD1_1,CD1_2... plus CRPIX and CRVAL.
       (3) CROTA2 (or CROTA1) and CDELT plus CRPIX and CRVAL.
       All three forms are valid FITS according to the paper "Representations
       of World Coordinates in FITS by Greisen and Calabretta (2002, A&A, 395,
       1061 http://www.aoc.nrao.edu/~egreisen) although form (1) is preferred/
       An anonymous structure is created to avoid structure definition
       conflicts.    This is needed because some projection systems
       require additional dimensions (i.e. spherical cube
       projections require a specification of the cube face).
Procedures Used
Revision History
      Written by B. Boothman 4/15/86
      Accept CD001001 keywords               1-3-88
      Accept CD1_1, CD2_1... keywords    W. Landsman    Nov. 92
      Recognize GSSS FITS header         W. Landsman    June 94
      Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997
      Get correct sign, when converting CDELT* to CD matrix for right-handed
      coordinate system                  W. Landsman   November 1998
      Consistent conversion between CROTA and CD matrix  October 2000
      CTYPE = 'PIXEL' means no astrometry params  W. Landsman January 2001
      Don't choke if only 1 CTYPE value given W. Landsman  August 2001
      Recognize PC00n00m keywords again (sigh...)  W. Landsman December 2001
      Recognize GSSS in ctype also       D. Finkbeiner Jan 2002
      Introduce ALT keyword              W. Landsman June 2003
      Fix error introduced June 2003 where free-format values would be
      truncated if more than 20 characters.  W. Landsman Aug 2003
      Further fix to free-format values -- slash need not be present Sep 2003
      Default value of LATPOLE is 90.0  W. Landsman February 2004
      Allow for distortion substructure, currently implemented only for
          SIP (Spitzer Imaging Polynomial)   W. Landsman February 2004
      Correct LONGPOLE computation if CTYPE = ['*DEC','*RA'] W. L. Feb. 2004
      Assume since V5.3 (vector STRMID)  W. Landsman Feb 2004
      Yet another fix to free-format values   W. Landsman April 2004
      Introduce PV2 tag to replace PROJP1, PROJP2.. etc.  W. Landsman May 2004
      Convert NCP projection to generalized SIN   W. Landsman Aug 2004

Last modified by pro2html on 2004 August 27 at 03:42 UTC

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