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ZANG Source code in zang.pro


       Determine the angular size of an object as a function of redshift
       Requires an input size in kpc and returns an angular size in arc seconds
       Default cosmology has a Hubble constant of 70 km/s/Mpc, Omega (matter)
       =0.3 and a normalized cosmological constant Lambda = 0.7; however these
       values can be changed with apropriate keywords.
Calling Sequence
       angsiz = zang( dl, [ z, H0 =, Omega_m =, Lambda0 = , q0 = , k =,
                               /SILENT] )
Input Parameters
       dl - linear size of the object *in kpc*, non-negative scalar or vector
       z - redshift of object, postive  scalar or vector
           Either dl and z must have the same number of elements, or at least
           one of them must be a vector.
Optional Input Keywords
    H0 -  Hubble constant in km/s/Mpc, default is 70
        No more than two of the following four parameters should be
        specified.    None of them need be specified, default values are given
    k - curvature constant, normalized to the closure density.   Default is
        0, indicating a flat universe
    Omega_m -  Matter density, normalized to the closure density, default
        is 0.3.   Must be non-negative
    Lambda0 - Cosmological constant, normalized to the closure density,
        default is 0.7
    q0 - Deceleration parameter, numeric scalar = -R*(R'')/(R')^2, default
        is -0.5
    Note that Omega_m + lambda0 + k = 1 and q0 = 0.5*omega_m - lambda0
Output Parameters
       angsiz - Angular size of the object at the given redshift in
               arc seconds
  (1) What would be the angular size of galaxy of diameter 50 kpc at a redshift
      of 1.5 in an open universe with Lambda = 0 and Omega (matter) = 0.3.
      Assume the default Hubble constant value of 70 km/s/Mpc.
      IDL> print,zang(50,1.5, Lambda = 0,omega_m = 0.3)
             ====> 6.58 arc seconds
  (2) Now plot the angular size of a 50 kpc diameter galaxy as a function of
      redshift for the default cosmology (Lambda = 0.7, Omega_m=0.3) up to
      z = 0.5
      IDL> z = findgen(50)/10. + 0.1    ;Angular size undefined at z = 0
      IDL> plot,z,zang(50,z),xtit='z',ytit='Angular Size (")'
      This procedure underwent a major revision in April 2000 to allow for a
      cosmological constant, ***including a change of the calling sequence***
      Be sure to supply the input linear size dl in units of kpc.
Procedures Used
      LUMDIST() -- Calculates the luminosity distance
Revision History
      Written    J. Hill   STX           July, 1988
      Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997
      Major rewrite to call LUMDIST function  W. Landsman   April 2000

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 April 26 at 03:11 UTC

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