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YDN2MD Source code in ydn2md.pro


       Convert from year and day number of year to month and day of month.
Calling Sequence
Input Parameters
       yr = 4 digit year (like 1988), integer scalar
       dy = day number in year (like 310), integer scalar or vector
Output Parameters
       m = month number (1-12, e.g. 11 = Nov)
       d = day of month (like 5).
       Note: On error returns m = d = -1.
       Find the month/day of days 155 and 255 in the year 2001
       IDL> ydn2md, 2001, [155,255], m, d
         ==> m = [6,9]   & d = [4,12]        ; = June 4 and September 12
Revision History
       Adapted from Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory
       Update to use VALUE_LOCATE,   W. Landsman    January 2001

Last modified by pro2html on 2004 February 26 at 04:41 UTC

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