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Abteilung Astronomie

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XYZ Source code in xyz.pro


       Calculate geocentric X,Y, and Z  and velocity coordinates of the Sun
       Calculates geocentric X,Y, and Z vectors and velocity coordinates
       (dx, dy and dz) of the Sun.   (The positive X axis is directed towards
       the equinox, the y-axis, towards the point on the equator at right
       ascension 6h, and the z axis toward the north pole of the equator).
       Typical position accuracy is <1e-4 AU (15000 km).
Calling Sequence
       XYZ, date, x, y, z, [ xvel, yvel, zvel, EQUINOX = ]
Input Parameters
       date: reduced julian date (=JD - 2400000), scalar or vector
Output Parameters
       x,y,z: scalars or vectors giving heliocentric rectangular coordinates
                 (in A.U) for each date supplied.    Note that sqrt(x^2 + y^2
                 + z^2) gives the Earth-Sun distance for the given date.
       xvel, yvel, zvel: velocity vectors corresponding to X, Y and Z.
Keyword Parameters
       EQUINOX: equinox of output. Default is 1950.
       What were the rectangular coordinates and velocities of the Sun on
       Jan 22, 1999 0h UT (= JD 2451200.5) in J2000 coords? NOTE:
       Astronomical Almanac (AA) is in TDT, so add 64 seconds to
       UT to convert.
       IDL> xyz,51200.5+64.d/86400.d,x,y,z,xv,yv,zv,equinox = 2000
       Compare to Astronomical Almanac (1999 page C20)
                   X  (AU)        Y  (AU)     Z (AU)
       XYZ:      0.51456871   -0.76963263  -0.33376880
       AA:       0.51453130   -0.7697110   -0.3337152
       abs(err): 0.00003739    0.00007839   0.00005360
           (km):   5609          11759         8040
       NOTE: Velocities in AA are for Earth/Moon barycenter
             (a very minor offset) see AA 1999 page E3
                  X VEL (AU/DAY) YVEL (AU/DAY)   Z VEL (AU/DAY)
       XYZ:      -0.014947268   -0.0083148382    -0.0036068577
       AA:       -0.01494574    -0.00831185      -0.00360365
       abs(err):  0.000001583    0.0000029886     0.0000032077
        (km/sec): 0.00265        0.00519          0.00557
Procedures Used
Revision History
       Original algorithm from Almanac for Computers, Doggett et al. USNO 1978
       Adapted from the book Astronomical Photometry by A. Henden
       Written  W. Landsman   STX       June 1989
       Correct error in X coefficient   W. Landsman HSTX  January 1995
       Added velocities, more terms to positions and EQUINOX keyword,
          some minor adjustments to calculations
          P. Plait/ACC March 24, 1999

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 April 26 at 03:11 UTC

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