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TENV() Source code in tenv.pro


       Converts sexigesimal number or vector to decimal.
       Like TEN() but allows vector input.
Calling Sequence
       Result = TENV( dd, mm )           ; result = dd + mm/60.
       Result = TENV( dd, mm, ss)        ; result = dd + mm/60. + ss/3600.
Input Parameters
       dd - Sexigesimal element(s) corresponding to hours or degrees
       mm - Sexigesimal element(s) corresponding to minutes
       ss - Sexigesimal element(s) corresponding to seconds (optional)
               The input parameters can be scalars or vectors.   However, the
               number of elements in each parameter must be the same.
Output Parameters
       Result -  double, decimal equivalent of input sexigesimal
               quantities.  Same number of elements as the input parameters.
               If the nth element in any of the input parameters is negative
               then the nth element in Result will also be negative.
       If dd = [60,60,0], and mm = [30,-30,-30], then
       IDL> Result = TENV(dd,mm)  ====>   Result =  [60.5,-60.5,-0.5]
       Mostly involves checking arguments and setting the sign.
Revision History
       Written by W.B. Landsman           April, 1991
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997

Last modified by pro2html on 2004 July 23 at 03:42 UTC

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