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TEN() Source code in ten.pro


       Converts a sexigesimal number to decimal.
       Inverse of the SIXTY() function.
Calling Sequence
       X = TEN( [ HOUR_OR_DEG, MIN, SEC ] )
       X = TEN( HOUR_OR_DEG, MIN, SEC )
       X = TEN( [ HOUR_OR_DEG, MIN ] )
       X = TEN( HOUR_OR_DEG, MIN )
       X = TEN( [ HOUR_OR_DEG ] )      <--  Trivial cases
       X = TEN( HOUR_OR_DEG )        <--
Input Parameters
       HOUR_OR_DEG,MIN,SEC -- Scalars giving sexigesimal quantity in
               in order from largest to smallest.
Output Parameters
       Function value returned = double real scalar, decimal equivalent of
       input sexigesimal quantity.  A minus sign on any nonzero element
       of the input vector causes all the elements to be taken as
       < 0.
       Mostly involves checking arguments and setting the sign.
       The procedure TENV can be used when dealing with a vector of
       sexigesimal quantities.
Revision History
       Written by R. S. Hill, STX, 21 April 87
       Modified to allow non-vector arguments.  RSH, STX, 19-OCT-87
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 April 26 at 03:11 UTC

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