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PLANCK() Source code in planck.pro


       To calculate the Planck function in units of ergs/cm2/s/A
Calling Sequence
       bbflux = PLANCK( wave, temp)
Input Parameters
       WAVE   Scalar or vector giving the wavelength(s) in **Angstroms**
               at which the Planck function is to be evaluated.
       TEMP   Scalar giving the temperature of the planck function in degree K
Output Parameters
       BBFLUX - Scalar or vector giving the blackbody flux (i.e. !pi*Intensity)
               in erg/cm^2/s/A in at the specified wavelength points.
       To calculate the blackbody flux at 30,000 K every 100 Angstroms between
       2000A and 2900 A
       IDL> wave = 2000 + findgen(10)*100
       IDL> bbflux = planck(wave,30000)
       If a star with a blackbody spectrum has a radius R, and distance,d, then
       the flux at Earth in erg/cm^2/s/A will be bbflux*R^2/d^2
       The wavelength data are converted to cm, and the Planck function
       is calculated for each wavelength point. See Allen (1973), Astrophysical
       Quantities, section 44 for more information.
       See the procedure planck_radiance.pro in
       for computation of Planck radiance given wavenumber in cm-1 or
       wavelength in microns
Revision History
       Adapted from the IUE RDAF               August, 1989
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997
       Improve precision of constants    W. Landsman  January 2002

Last modified by pro2html on 2002 January 16 at 04:24 UTC

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