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AITOFF Source code in aitoff.pro


       Convert longitude, latitude to X,Y using an AITOFF projection.
       This procedure can be used to create an all-sky map in Galactic
       coordinates with an equal-area Aitoff projection.  Output map
       coordinates are zero longitude centered.
Calling Sequence
       AITOFF, L, B, X, Y
Input Parameters
       L - longitude - scalar or vector, in degrees
       B - latitude - same number of elements as L, in degrees
Output Parameters
       X - X coordinate, same number of elements as L.   X is normalized to
               be between -180 and 180
       Y - Y coordinate, same number of elements as L.  Y is normalized to
               be between -90 and 90.
       See AIPS memo No. 46, page 4, for details of the algorithm.  This
       version of AITOFF assumes the projection is centered at b=0 degrees.
Revision History
       Written  W.B. Landsman  STX          December 1989
       Modified for Unix:
               J. Bloch        LANL SST-9      5/16/91 1.1
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 November 17 at 04:19 UTC

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