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writewdata.pro Source code in writewdata.pro


NAME: writewdata PURPOSE: write files similar to those written by the pgplot wdata command (which can be accessed, e.g., with the iplot command in XSPEC); these files are also called "qdp"-files. CATEGORY: general data tools CALLING SEQUENCE: writewdata,filename,x,dx,data,blockndx=blockndx,serr=serr,terr=terr
Input Parameters
       filename:  name of the file to be written
              x:  Array containing the X-values of the qdp file (i.e the
                  first column of the data
             dx:  Width of each x bin
           data:  array containing all other data to be written
Optional Input Parameters
       blockndx:  array giving end positions after which
                  data is to be divided into blocks.
           serr:  Array to tell QDP/PLT which vectors have symmetric
                  errors. (which are listed in the column after the
                  indicated vector)
           terr:  Array to tell QDP/PLT which vectors have two-sided
                  errors. Then (in the dataset) the first column is the
                  central value, the second column (which must be
                  positive) specifies the upper bound, and the third
                  column (which must be negative or zero) specifies
                  the lower bound.
Output Parameters
      a file named "filename.qdp"
Revision History
          Version 1.0: Kolja Giedke, IAA Tuebingen, Astronomie,
          May 10, 2000

Last modified by pro2html on 2005 January 04 at 17:02 UTC

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