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pnspec Source code in pnspec.pro


          read an EPIC pn SciSim FITS file (generated by running
          podf on the output of SciSim), reconstruct the split
          events, and return the correct EPIC pn spectrum
          IAAT XMM Tools
Calling Sequence
          readpn,spectrum,rawspectrum=rawspectrum,auxfile=auxfile, $
Input Parameters
          auxfile: file containing the auxilliary information (usually
                   called pn_aux.fits
          pnfile : file containing the CCD events (e.g.,
Keyword Parameters
          chatty : if set, give some debugging information
          nosplitcorr : if set, no split-event correction is performed
          timemode : if set, the simulation used the Timingmode,
                     default is the imaging mode.
Output Parameters
          spectrum: the binned spectrum (photons/channel)
Optional Output
          rawspectrum: the binned spectrum, uncorrected for splits
          rawx: the x-coordinates of the events
          rawy: the y-coordinates of the events
          exposure: exposure time of the observation
Common Blocks
Side Effects

          * For the purpose of this subroutine, ``Split events'' are
            defined as all those events happening simultaneously (=in
            the same time frame) AND within 1 pixel to each other. No
            effort is taken to account for split events where more
            than two pixels contribute. Beware in the case of bright
            sources, where more than photon might get detected during
            the readout of one frame. These can look like splits


Revision History
          Version 0.1, 1999/03/16, Joern Wilms
                                   ([email protected])
                  0.11 1999/03/24, Ingo Kreykenbohm
                                   ([email protected])
                  0.12 1999/03/25, Joern Wilms, IK
                                    removed patch_broken_fits
                  0.13 1999/03/26, Ingo Kreykenbohm
                                   now TIMING mode works

Last modified by pro2html on 2005 January 04 at 17:01 UTC

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