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convert_ahf Source code in convert_ahf.pro


           read in ascii XMM attitude history file,
           write out fits file
           IAAT XMM tools
Calling Sequence
           convert_ahf, ascii, fits
Input Parameters
        ascii - File name of ascii input file, string.
                File must obey structure of XMM attitude history file.
                Refer XMM-MOC-ICD-0006-OAD.
Optional Input Parameters
        preq - Pointing request identifier (integer) of records which
               only should be written into the fits file.
               This option may be used to select a single pointing
               sequence from the entire attitude history file
Keyword Parameters

Output Parameters
               fits - fits output file name, string.
                      Fits file contains data as read in from ascii
                      input file
Optional Output

Common Blocks

Side Effects
                 Reading in from LUN 2 which must not be used for
                 other purposes. (yeah, for convenience and stupid
                 time sparing reasons).


           convert_ahf, 'new_ahf.txt', 'AttHK.ds'
Revision History
           Created: 2001/04/09, Eckart Goehler

Last modified by pro2html on 2005 January 04 at 17:01 UTC

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