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comp_orbit Source code in comp_orbit.pro


         Computes orbital information for the XMM satellite for given
         date and orbit file
Calling Sequence
         comp_orbit, MJD, POS, VEL, file=file
Input Parameters
         MJD   : Float value representing the date for which orbit
         information is to be collected. Value is expressed in the
         Modified Julian Date (MJD 2000, i.e. the date 0.0 refers to
         1st January 2000 at 0:00:00)
Optional Input Parameters
         file  : Orbit input file string (ASCII, refer XMM-MOC-ICD-0021-OAD)
                 Default: orbita
                 May be fetched from http://xmm.vilspa.esa.es/~xmmdoc/orbit/.
Keyword Parameters
Output Parameters
         POS  : 3-dim vector containing X,Y,Z position of XMM for
                given date. Unit are km in the Kepler reference
                orbit, coordinate system is the Inertial Mean
                Geocentric Equatorial System of year J2000.0, x-axis
                towards mean vernal equinox, x-y plane conciding with
                mean equatorial plane, z-axis toward north.
         VEL  : 3-dim vector containing X,Y,Z components of velocity
                for XMM at given date. Unit are km in the Kepler reference
                orbit, coordinate system is the Inertial Mean
                Geocentric Equatorial System of year J2000.0, x-axis
                towards mean vernal equinox, x-y plane conciding with
                mean equatorial plane, z-axis toward north.
Side Effects
         not known
         each time the procedure is called the file is scanned - not
         to used for often access.

        Compute position and velocity for 2001-12-28,15:00,
        orbit file is 'new_orbit':
        comp_orbit, 362.62500,POS,VEL,file='new_orbit'
Revision History
        $Log: comp_orbit.pro,v $
        Revision 1.1  2002/03/07 13:54:22  goehler
        Initial version to make private version public.

Last modified by pro2html on 2005 January 04 at 17:01 UTC

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