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TRIPP_ZEROLOG_GUI Source code in tripp_zerolog_gui.pro


           Definition of a graphical user interface for the zero
           version of the log files needed by the TRIPP routines
Input Parameters
           log: structure (type: tripp_zerolog_type) containing either default
           values or values from a previous session.
           structure: TAG NAMES in log must correspond to those
                      defined in tripp_zerolog_type.
Output Parameters
           result: Structure (type: tripp_flatlog_type) containing the zero
                   version of the tripp_zerolog_type structure.
Revision History
           Version 1.0, 2001/02 SLS
                        2004/08 S.D. Huegelmeyer, additional prompt
                        for 'filelist'.

Last modified by pro2html on 2005 January 04 at 17:01 UTC

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