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TRIPP_ZERO Source code in tripp_zero.pro


           combination of several zero images to one median zero image
           result = MEDIAN( zeros )
Input Parameters
           logName : Name of reduction log file
Optional Input Parameters
           nr_subframes : divide each image in <nr_subframes>
                          subimages (reduction of array size)
                          default = 1
Keyword Parameters
           /recover     : Tries to build the  accepted zero list
                          from already present
                          reduced zero images selected/generated
                          at a former processing stage.
                          This option could be used when selection of
                          images was done but zero image processing
                          failed (eg. out of memory).
                          If only a subset of processed zero images
                          should be kept all unwanted zero image
                          files must be deleted in the target
           file typ   : FITS
           rule for image names: xyz0001.fits
                                 i.e. four digits - dot - extension
Output Parameters
           path/resultFile : result = MEDIAN( zeros )
Revision History
           Version 1.0, 1999/23/05, Jochen Deetjen & Thomas Rauch
                        2000/20/12  SD, Keyword no_norm and handling added
                        2001/01     SLS, change zero to long(zero)
                                    after readfits
                        2001/01     SD, print statement to follow progress
                        2001/02   , SLS: added minInt; do not set
                                    minInt or maxInt defaults (will
                                    be taken care of in tripp_display_frames)
                        2001/02   , SLS, added messages
                        2001/05   , SLS, slight change to handling of
                                    no_norm keyword: does not need to
                                    be set in the code, IF now relies on
                        2001/05   , SLS, use medarr procedure, not
           Version 2.0, 2001/01/10, Eckart G�hler: Replaced
                                    processing approach by a less
                                    memory consuming one (but also
                                    slower one ;-<  ) while
                                    reading each image one by one and
                                    selecting it, then perform
                                    processing in subframes. Call now
                                    with TRIPP_PROCESS_IMAGES -> more
                                    sophisticated than the
                                    TRIPP_READ_FRAMES one.
           Version 2.1, 2001/01/12, SLS & SD: different output name
                                    for processed images, else way too
                                    dangerous. Not tested with
                                    /recover yet.
                                    Fixed bugs resulting from using
                                    "flat" or "bias" where there
                                    should have been "zero"
           Version 2.2, 2002/03/01, EG: Added RECOVER keyword which
                                    allows recovering from already
                                    selected files.
                                    Test runs ok.
                            2002/03 SLS: call to tripp_process_images
                                    had not transported the minInt
                                    and maxInt keywords
                            2004/08 S.D. Huegelmeyer: adapted for
                                    use with 'filelist'.
                            2005/11 S.S., call to tripp_read_filelist
                                    now requires log (before:
                            2005/11 S.S., clean up directory handling;
                                    for this, use new /modified
                                    capability of tripp_read_filelist
                                    and streamline from fits.mod to
                                    clean up bits of unused code
                            2005/11 S.S. uint() in writefits calls
                                    to avoid excessive file sizes
                            2006/01 S.S. because of uint(), need to
                                    double() the _mod.fits on readfits

Last modified by pro2html on 2007 October 18 at 03:11 UTC

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