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TRIPP_WRITE_FREQTABLE derived from and using input/output from TRIPP_WRITE_SINFITPAR Source code in tripp_write_freqtable.pro

TRIPP_WRITE_FREQTABLE derived from and using input/output from TRIPP_WRITE_SINFITPAR

       TRIPP_WRITE_FREQTABLE derived from and using input/output from TRIPP_WRITE_SINFITPAR
       Print results from sinus fit functions to the data and to tex table
Calling Sequence
       TRIPP_WRITE_FREQTABLE, parfile, log
Input Parameters
       parfile:    parameter file name
       log    :    parameter structure log
Output Parameters

Revision History
       Version 1.0, 2006/11,SS,  written

Last modified by pro2html on 2007 March 16 at 04:11 UTC

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