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TRIPP_WRITE_FINAL Source code in tripp_write_final.pro


       Clean IDL-saved flux data (*.rms-file) from
       photometrical time series and write to ASCII
       Astronomical Photometry.
Calling Sequence
       TRIPP_WRITE_FINAL, LOGNAME = logName,  [ DEGREE=degree,
       CLEARMAX=clearmax, CLEARMIN=clearmin, PRECLEAR=preclear,
       SMOOTHED=smoothed, NO_NORM=no_norm, MOUSE=mouse,silent=silent ]
Input Parameters
       logname (for construction of IDL SAVE file *.RMS name)
Optional Input Parameters
Keyword Parameters
       auto   - use automatic apperture radii.
Output Parameters
       ASCII file '*.FIN' containing reduced data as x,y- table:
       x corresponds to time, y corresponds to relative flux
       IDL SAVE File '*_idl.FIN' containing same data
       file type:      RMS as produced by TRIPP_CALC_RELFLUX (or ccd_rms
                       or ccd_rms_multi, in principle)
       Input directory and filename structure as specified in Log
Revision History
       Version 1.0, 1999/06, Sonja Schuh, Stefan Dreizler
       Version 1.1, 1999/10, Sonja Schuh, Stefan Dreizler
       Version 1.1, 2000/11, Sonja L. Schuh: copy preclear_values to
                             clearvalues if the latter are less tight
                             (for IDL save file, which is used by
       Version 2.0, 2001/02, Sonja L. Schuh:
                             - no_norm keyword added
                             - mouse keyword added
                    2001/02, SLS, added messages
       Version 1.0, 2001/02, SLS, new handling for no_norm / norm:
                             new keyword norm
                             default is now NO normalisation
                             no_norm will have no further effect
                             norm will force the normalisation to be done
                    2001/05, SLS, xyouts only if necessary, titles
                             for final lightcurve plot, loadct
                             changes and silent keyword
                    2001/07, SLS, data points AND line in plots
                    2001/07, SLS, sort time marks
                    2002/08, SLS, allow for longer input files by
                                  using long(all) instead of fix(all)
                                  and equally for longer output files
                                  by using k=0L instead of k=0
                    ????     Somebody, introduced auto
                                       keyword. (e.g.)
                    2002/11  EG, fixes of problems for selecting
                                 single datapoints with mouse which
                                 uses invalid indices.
                                 Also fixed: wrong field length for y
                                 when performing polynominal
                                 Changed: Display will not change
                                 when removing data points.
                    2007/06  SS, allow to chose a data point or
                                 selected data areas for normalization
                                 (requires /mouse and /norm)

Last modified by pro2html on 2007 October 18 at 03:11 UTC

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