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Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik

Abteilung Astronomie

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TRIPP_TV Source code in tripp_tv.pro


       Display a CCD image. A coordinate system with pixel
       coordinates is established - coordinates (0,0) are lower
       left corner of pixel 0,0.
       Picture is autoscaled, maintaining relative scales of both axes.
       Astronomical Photometry.
Calling Sequence
       TRIPP_TV, image, [ NOWIN=nowin, LO=lo, HI=hi, RAD=rad, QUAD=quad, $
               XMAX=xmax, YMAX=ymax, XCEN=xcen, YCEN=ycen ]
Input Parameters
       IMAGE : 2D image array.
Keyword Parameters
       X/YCEN:        Coordinates for overplotting circle or rectangle.
       RAD   :        Overplot circular aperture with radius rad [pixel].
       QUAD  :        Overplot rectangle with area [2*rad+1]^2 instead of circle.
                      NOTE - in QUAD mode, the quadrangle includes only
                      whole pixels (see TRIPP_FLUX), therefore the center
                      of the mask may be shiftet by a fraction of a
                      pixel in x/y and rad is converted to an integer.
       NOWIN :        Reuse old window instead of deleting it.
       LO    :        Lower cut for display data with lookup table
                      is lo*sigma below mean, defaulted to 1.0.
       HI    :        Upper cut for display data with lookup table
                      is hi*sigma above mean, defaulted to 5.0.
       XMAX  :        Maximum allowed x size of window for autoscaling.
       YMAX  :        Maximum allowed y size of window for autoscaling.
       WINDOW:        window device number
       SILENT:        hand silent keyword to sky
       COLORTABLE:    has the effect of loadct,colortable
                      defaulted to 13 (Rainbow)
       OLD   :        use scaling method as in ccd_tv
       SQRT  :        show square root of image instead of image
Common Blocks
Side Effects
       If /NOWIN is not set, new window device is created,
       else window device number is set to window
Revision History
       Version 1.0, Ralf D. Geckeler - %CCD% package for IDL - written Sept.96.
                     --> original name: ccd_tv
       Version 2.0, 1999/29/05, Jochen Deetjen: change color-table;
                    added keyword title
                    2001/02     SLS, re-introduced deleted parameter window
       Version 2.1, 2001/02     SLS,
                                - colortable can now be chosen
                                  freely (except 0: this will be changed to 13)
                                - several changes to "look" of the
                                  code: headings, statements,
                                  succession of definitions etc.
                                - it seems sometimes wiser to stick with
                                  the definitions of lowcut and
                                  highcut; else the sky looks smooth
                                  even when there are faint sources!
                                  -> "old" keyword; also added
                                  dynamics, abslo and abshi for experimenting
                    2001/05     SLS, avoid error when image contains
                                  negative values: produce warning
                                  instead of halt by setting negative
                                  values to zero for sky determination
                    2001/06     SLS, sqrt keyword
                    2001/07     SLS, check for keyword_set(nowin)
                                  instead of existence of nowin (may
                                  be 0)
                    2002/08     SLS, use silent keyword for loadct
                    2004/01     SLS, adjustments to work with new
                                cross-correlation in reduction
                    2006/03     S.S., obsoleted ccd_circ and ccd_quad
                                preparations for merging with
                                subtraction (looks funny in parts)

Last modified by pro2html on 2006 May 15 at 03:11 UTC

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