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Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik

Abteilung Astronomie

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TRIPP_SINFIT Source code in tripp_sinfit.pro


       Fit sinus functions to the data
       Astronomical Photometry.
Calling Sequence
       TRIPP_SINFIT, fileName, wc, parfile
Input Parameters
       ASCII light curves, WARNING: time in days
Optional Input Parameters

Keyword Parameters
       silent:  (un)sets chatty for epfold
                (un)sets debug for plot_periodogram
                reduces print and plot output
                default silent=0 i.e. chatty=debug=1
       nogap:   uninterrupted simulation file
                default nogap=0, i.e. file NOT created
Output Parameters
       parfile_new:    updated parameter file
       filename_simulation:       sine fit
       filename_simulation_noise: sine fit plus noise
       filename_residual:         data minus sine fit
Optional Output
       filename_simulation_nogap: sine fit rebinned to
                       a continous time grid spanning
                       the full time base +- one extra day
       number of lines in FILENAME must be specified by wc
Revision History
       Version 1.0, 1999/07,Stefan Dreizler, using JWCURVEFIT
       Version 1.1, 2000/01,Stefan Dreizler, added fap simulations
       Version 1.1, 2001/01,SLS, wc is still mandatory because of
                                 parameterfile; think ... ?
       Version 1.2, 2001/02,SD,SLS, more output and plots, and do not
                                 reconstuct the fit but use result
                    2006/03,SLS,RL, simulation without gaps added
                        /10,SS,  ... and extended by +- one day
                        /11,SS,  long loop counters
                        /11,SS,  keyword /nogap to make creation of
                                 simulation_nogap optional (changed
                                 default behaviour!)
       Version 1.3  2008/01,SS,  phase zero in parfiles
                    2008/02,SS,  phase zero is now effective
                                 also fixed some precision issues

Last modified by pro2html on 2008 March 04 at 04:11 UTC

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