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Abteilung Astronomie

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TRIPP_SHADE3 Source code in tripp_shade3.pro


       Show an image three ways ...:
       Show a 2D array three ways in a display that combines SHADE_SURF
       CONTOUR, and an image (color/gray scale pixels).
       Display, graphics.
Calling Sequence
       TRIPP_SHADE3, Image [, INTERP = Interp, SSCALE = Sscale]
Input Parameters
       Image:  The 2-dimensional array to display.
Optional Input Parameters
       X = a vector containing the X values of each column of Image.
               If omitted, columns have X values 0, 1, ..., Ncolumns-1.
       Y = a vector containing the Y values of each row of Image.
               If omitted, columns have Y values 0, 1, ..., Nrows-1.
Keyword Parameters
       INTERP: Set this keyword to use bilinear interpolation on the pixel
               display.  This technique is slightly slower, but for small
               images, it makes a better display.
       SSCALE: Reduction scale for surface. The default is 1.  If this
               keyword is set to a value other than 1, the array size
               is reduced by this factor for the surface display.  That is,
               the number of points used to draw the wire-mesh surface is
               reduced.  If the array dimensions are not an integral multiple
               of SSCALE, the image is reduced to the next smaller multiple.
       E_CONTOUR: a structure containing additional keyword parameters
               that are passed to the CONTOUR procedure.  See the example
       E_SURFACE: a structure containing additional keyword parameters
               that are passed to the SURFACE procedure.  See the example
        AX      : Rotation angle around the x-axis
        AZ      : Rotation angle around the z-axis
        NLEVELS : number of contour levels for countour plot
        ZRANGE  : plot range for the z-axis
Output Parameters
       No explicit outputs.
Common Blocks
Side Effects
       A new plot is generated.
       The display gets too "busy" when displaying larger (say 50 by 50),
       images, especially if they are noisy.  It can be helpful to use
       the SSCALE keyword or the SMOOTH and/or REBIN functions to smooth the
       surface plot.
       You might want to modify the calls to CONTOUR and SHADE_SURF slightly
       to customize the display to your tastes, i.e., with different colors,
       skirts, linestyles, contour levels, etc.
       First, do a SHADE_SURF with no data to establish the 3D to 2D scaling.
       Then convert the coordinates of the corner pixels of the array to
       2D.  Use POLYWARP to get the warping polynomial to warp the
       2D image into the area underneath the SHADE_SURF plot.  Output the image,
       output the surface (with data) and then output the contour plot at
       the top (z=1).
       A = BESELJ(SHIFT(DIST(30,20), 15, 10)/2.,0)  ;Array for example
       TRIPP_SHADE3, A         ;Show it with default display.
       TRIPP_SHADE3, A, SQRT(FINDGEN(30))  ;Make X axis proportional to sqrt
       TRIPP_SHADE3, A, E_CONTOUR={C_CHARSIZE:2, DONW:1} ;Label CONTOUR lines with
               double size characters, and include downhill tick marks.
       TRIPP_SHADE3, A, E_SURFACE={SKIRT:-1, ZRANGE:[-2,2]}  ;Draw a surface with
               a skirt and scale Z axis from -2 to 2.
Revision History
       DMS. Jan, 1988.
       Added fudges for PostScript, April, 1988.
       Fixed bug where contour plot was occasionally clipped. Dec, 1990.
       Added optional axis variables, and _EXTRA keywords for CONTOUR,
               and SHADE_SURF.  Jan, 1996.
       DD.  Added code to ignore !ORDER for the TV of the image.  Mar 1997.
       replace surface by shade_surf  Dreizler 12.1999
       new keywords for shade_surf    Dreizler 12.1999
       convert to IDL version 5. notation, SLS 09/2001

Last modified by pro2html on 2005 January 04 at 16:57 UTC

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