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TRIPP_REDUCTION Source code in tripp_reduction.pro


           dark- and flat field correction
           as well as determination of shifts
           Processing of direct images in astronomy
Calling Sequence
           TRIPP_REDUCTION, logName [, /mouse, $
                      csize=csize, search=search, $
                      /debug, /silent, /svdc,$
                      /no_intup, /recycle, /no_bad, $
                      extension=extension, maxshift=maxshift,$
                      /medflt, fsize=fsize, redsize=redsize, /no_sky]
Input Parameters
           logName  : Name of reduction log file
Optional Input Parameters
           csize    : csize of correlation area
           search   : in mouse click context, allow CNTRD to
                      search in search pixel distance
           extension: which extension of the input fits file to
                      use. Default is the primary HDU with number 0.
           maxshift : maximal shift allowed (in units of source
                      radii). Default: 1.
           fsize    : no effect (prep. for DI)
           redsize  : no effect (prep. for DI)
Keyword Parameters
           silent   : create no plots during reduction
           debug    : more output text
           mouse    : mark star position manually in case of trouble
           no_intup : avoid to produce intup image
           check    : obsolete (now: mouse)
           no_cut   : obsolete
           recycle  : re-use old posfile and amend it
           no_bad   : set bad pixels at image mean -> avoid NaN
                      problems with ds9
           medflt   : median filtering for correction of cosmics
                      (default: on)
           svdc     : noise reduction in reduced image with singular
                      value decomposition (svdc) procedure (results
                      in call of tripp_svdc, slows down the overall
                      reduction process)
           no_sky   : no effect (prep. for DI)
           file typ : (FITS files, named:) .fit, .fits, .FIT, .FITS
           rule for image names  : xyz0001.fits or similar
                                   i.e. four digits - dot - extension or
                                   four digits - char - dot - extension
                                   otherwise consider filename option
           name of reduced images: xyz0001_reduced.fits
           even when silent is set, an image pops up as a warning
           when the positioning process fails
Output Parameters
           dark- and flatfield corrected images:
           summed-up reduced images as new image:
           position of one reference star in all frames:
Optional Output
Common Blocks
Side Effects

Procedures Used
           Requires routines from the IDL astrolib, and from the
           aitlib ($CCD$ package by R.D. Geckeler)

Revision History
           Version 1.0, 1999/20/04, Stefan Dreizler
           Version 2.0, 1999/18/05, Jochen Deetjen & Thomas Rauch
           Version 2.1  1999/12   , Stefan Dreizler, check and csize added
           Version 2.3  2000/11   , S.L. Schuh, re-normalisation of flat added
           Version 2.3  2000/11   , S.L. Schuh, keep going even if
                                    cent fails: set x/yref=ref_x/y
           Version 2.4  2001/01   , S.L. Schuh, change image to
                                    long(image) after READFITS
           Version 2.5  2001/01   , S.L. Schuh,
                                    - changed default for csize (is now
                                    - /no_cut not obligatory any more
                                    - changed behavious of what
                                      happens  when
                                      the /check keyword is set
                                    - added more warnings and higher
                                      sensitivity of /check but,
                                      unlike before, ignore a failed
                                      correlation and re-use old
                                      values in that case
                                    - added /debug keyword
                                    - check image size for every frame
                                      and exit if it changes
                        2001/02   , SLS, added messages
                        2001/02   , SLS, added bias correction from
                                    overscan values - no rotate so far!
                        2001/02   , SLS, added determination of
                                    x1,x1,y1,y2 for zero and flat
                                    from 'CCDSEC' if crval and crdelt
                                    do not exist in the FITS file
                        2001/02   , SLS, docheck changed for Thomas
           Version 2.6  2001/02   , Thomas Gleissner, Sonja L. Schuh
                                    - double(zero) and double(flat)
                                      instead of
                                      long(zero) and long(flat)
                                    - small zero and flat are cut out
                                      individually for each image
                                      (this can change from one day
                                      to the next, after all, even if
                                      the total image size remains
                                      the same)
                                    - keep big zero and flat now
                                    - do NOT writefits for
                                      zero_small and flat_small
                                    - when /debug ist set:
                                      display the current zero_small,
                                      flat_small and image_reduced
                                    - image sizes are retrieved at at
                                      different time now
           Version 2.7  2001/02   , Thomas Gleissner, call
                                    TRIPP_NEW_IMAGE_SIZE instead of
                                    exiting in case of changed
                                    log.xsize and log.ysizes
                                    SLS, now still works when /debug
                                    is set
                                    SLS, slight change to
                                    determination of overscan value
                                    SLS, exchange of the order in
                                    which reduction and define_mask
                                    are being called (red. first then
                                    define_mask now!); but can also
                                    still be used in the old order
                        2001/05   , SLS, adapted to nomenclature of
                                    SLS, define zero_small /
                                    flat_small if correction is set
                                    to yes but no cutting necessary
                                    SLS, avoid error in mmm via
                                    tripp_tv if image to display has
                                    negative entries (i.e. in
                                    "reduced" overscan area)
                    2001/05   , SLS, switched to tripp_read/write_pos
                                    added recycle capabilities
                    2001/07   , SLS, destroy correlation window after
                                    warning if /silent is set
                    2001/07   , SLS, definition of files array should
                                     be strarr(log.nr), not strarr(2,log.nr)
                    2002/11   , EG , flag no_bad to deal with bad
                                     pixels with non-finite (inf/nan) values.
                    2003/09   , EG,  added maxshift keyword, and
                                     implemented improved
                                     crosscorelation: the last image
                                     position is used as start search
                                     reference. Borders are taken
                                     into account.
                                     maxshift keyword is a threshold
                                     to ask for user interaction for
                                     high positional deviations.
                    2003/11    , EG, added safety checks which use
                                     former image position if either
                                     correlation or centering fails.
                    2004/01    ,SLS, adjustments to work with new
                                     cross-correlation in reduction
                    2004/08    ,S.D. Huegelmeyer, adapted to use with
                    2005/03    ,S.D. Huegelmeyer, adapted to use with
                                     dark correction
                    2005/04    ,T.-O. Husser, correlation fixed
                                     creation of "_reduced" filenames
                                     in filelists fixed
                    2005/10    ,S.D. Huegelmeyer, adapted for use
                                     with .fits files created with
                                     'STL' for creation of subframe
                    2005/11    ,S.S. call to tripp_read_filelist
                                     changed (log instead of log.last);
                                     make use of /reduced keyword in
                    2005/11    ,S.S. fixed core line in reduction
                                     where calibration is done; dark
                                     correction wasn't implemented
                                     correctly so far (see comments)
                    2005/11    ,S.S. uint() in writefits call
                                     to avoid excessive file
                                     sizes in reduced and intup files;
                                     devide intup by log.nr
                    2005/11    ,S.S. allow for BUSCA-like file name
                                     schemes without the BUSCA keyword
                    2006/03    ,S.S. obsoleted ccd_quad
                                     replaced ccd_cent by tripp_cent
                                S.S. search confusion disentangled
                                     cleanup of header, comments, formatting
                                     fixed contour display
                                     seeing deleted in prep. for DI
                    2006/05    ,S.S. more repair work on contour;
                                     reformulation and moving of filtering;
                                     final sigma filtering for STL images
                    2006/05    ,M. Hundertmark, bypass problem with MONET Data
                                     by setting negative values zero
                    2006/07    ,S.S. different header treatment for extensions NE 0
                    2006/10    ,S.S., I.T. no binning factor for STL offsets
                                I.T. no subtraction of binning factor for STL
                                     subframe offsets

Last modified by pro2html on 2007 October 18 at 03:11 UTC

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