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TRIPP_READ_IMAGE_LOG Source code in tripp_read_image_log.pro


           Read all parameters concerning the reduction of an
           image series.
           Definition of each structure element: see TRIPP_WRITE_IMAGE_LOG
Input Parameters
           logName : Name of reduction log file
           file typ            : FITS
           rule for image names: xyz0001.fits
                                 i.e. four digits - dot - extension
Output Parameters
           result : Structure containing all parameters for the reduction
Revision History
           Version 1.0, 1999/29/05, Jochen Deetjen
           Version 1.1, 1999/05/07, Jochen Deetjen
           Version 2.0, 2005/03   , S.D. Huegelmeyer, corrected for
           additional dark correction option

Last modified by pro2html on 2005 November 14 at 04:11 UTC

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