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Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik

Abteilung Astronomie

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TRIPP_RAD_PLOT Source code in tripp_rad_plot.pro


                    Shrink a stellar image to 1D and return 1D-gaussfit parameters.

Calling Sequence
Input Parameters
                    ima     : image array
                    centx   : x coordinate of star in image
                    centy   : y coordinate of star in image
                    circ    : distance out to which fit shall be performed
                    ===> centx, centy and circ together define a
                         circular area in image that shall be used
Optional Input Parameters
                    estimate: array with estimated values for the
                              gaussfit parameters a: [a0,a1,a2,a3]
Keyword Parameters
                   silent   : no plots at all, little text
                   verbose  : display all available information
                   sky      : plotting range optimized for sky
Output Parameters

Optional Output
                    a       : array of gaussfit parameters:[a0,a1,a2,a3]
                                    A0 is the height of the Gaussian
                                    A1 is the center of the Gaussian
                                    A2 is the width of the Gaussian
                                    A3 is the constant term
                    f(x) = a[0]*exp( - ( (x-a[1])/a[2] )^2 /2.) + a[3]
                    xval    : 1D data points (radial distance)
                    yval    : 1D data points (counts)
                    count   : 0 if no points within radius, else 1
Common Blocks

Side Effects

                    centx, centy cannot be kept fix


Revision History
                    2001/05, author: Stefan Dreizler
                    2001/05, SLS: added header, added /sky,
                             /silent and /verbose keywords
                    2001/06, SLS: faster: only test for inclusion in
                             circle if point is within square with
                             side length circ
                    2001/07, SLS: avoid negative indices for ima
                             if circ includes areas outside the image;
                             avoid negative heights and fwhm for
                             gauss curve

Last modified by pro2html on 2005 January 04 at 16:55 UTC

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