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Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik

Abteilung Astronomie

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TRIPP_NEW_IMAGE_SIZE Source code in tripp_new_image_size.pro


           redefines position of reference source
           and area for cross-correlation
           when sizes of previous and current image
           do not match
           Processing of direct images in astronomy
Calling Sequence
           TRIPP_NEW_IMAGE_SIZE, image, pk_srch_rds, $
                          xsize, ysize, csize, $
                          xl, xr, yl, yr, xref, yref, search
Input Parameters
           image : Name of current file with new size
           pk_srch_rds : Peak search radius
           xsize : image size in x-direction
           ysize : image size in y-direction
           csize : csize of cross-correlation area
           search : allow CNTRD to
                      search in search pixel distance
Output Parameters
           xl, xr, yl, yr : define area of cross-correlation
           xref, yref : position of reference source
Common Blocks
Side Effects

Procedures Used
           Requires routines from the IDL astrolib, from the
           aitlib ($CCD$ package by R.D. Geckeler) and the
           TRIPP package

Revision History
           Version 1.0, 2001/02, Thomas Gleissner
                        2006/03, S.S., obsoleted ccd_quad

Last modified by pro2html on 2006 May 15 at 03:11 UTC

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