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TRIPP_MONITOR Source code in tripp_monitor.pro


                        monitor incoming frames (can handle original
                        or reduced frames automatically, and may be
                        started by specifying either the first image
                        filename or a logFile as usual)
                        do a quick reduction if desired (see  restrictions)
                        image display; waits for the subsequent image
                        which may not exist yet
Calling Sequence
                                   colortable=colortable, LO=lo, HI=hi, XMAX=xmax, YMAX=ymax,
Input Parameters
                        filename: name of first image in a row of
                                  frames to display subsequently,
                                  HAS to include the correct path
                                  information, OR
                        filename: may also be the name of a logFile instead
Optional Input Parameters
                        dt      : wait time between two checks for
                                  new frames
                        x       : x coordinate for xyout of image
                        y       : y coordinate for xyout of image
                        zrange  : zrange to be displayed if /shade3
                                  is set; else ignored
                        colortable: value for colortable, defaulted
                                  to 3 (Red temperature)
                        several tripp_tv optional inputs (ignored if
                                  /shade3 is set)
                        ext     : to choose the needed extension in
                                  the fits file
Keyword Parameters
                        /shade3 : use tripp_shade3 routine for
                                  display instead of ccd_tv
                        /reduced: necessary with use of LOGfile if
                                  reduced images are to be displayed;
                                  ignored if first FITS file is
                                  specified (reduced or not)
                        several tripp_tv keyword parameters (ignored if
                                  /shade3 is set)
                        /quicklook: starts a minimal reduction; a
                                  logfile and a maskfile have to
                                  exist for this; can only be called
                                  with a logfile, not a filename
                        /window:  specifies the first window used,
                                  quicklook adds one more if set
                        /silent:  handed down to tripp_tv
                        /silent:  handed down to tripp_reduction but
                                  NOT tripp_calc_relflux or
                        /silent:  handed down to tripp_quicklook
Output Parameters
                        display of the current image on the screen
Optional Output
                        results of the quicklook reduction
                        (see tripp_reduction, tripp_extract_flux,
                        tripp_calc_relflux, tripp_write_final)
Common Blocks
Side Effects
                        can only be stopped by ^C
                        stops whereever procedure has been
                        interrupted, which is not in $MAIN$
                        * get back to $MAIN$ with RETALL *
                        leaves the current window open,
                        two if quicklook is set
                        Filenames must be numbered subsequently and
                        must be of the form
                        imageidentifier_XXXX.fits                 or
                        imageidentifier_XXXX.FIT                  or
                        imageidentifier_XXXX_reduced.fits         or
                        filename may contain path information as well
                        last image is never displayed
                        quicklook only works with a logfile, and
                        additionally a maskfile has to exist,too
Revision History
                        Version 1.0 1999/11 Stefan Dreizler and Sonja L. Schuh
                        Version 1.1 2001/01 SLS: merged several functionalities
                                    2001/02 SLS: - colortable parameter added
                                                   - added all tripp_tv keywords
                                    2001/05 SLS: handling of BUSCA
                                                 filenames, a few
                                                 preparations for quicklook
                                    2001/05 SLS: quicklook is ready
                        Version 1.8 2001/07 SLS: refinements to
                                                 quicklook, including /mouse keyword
                                                 and (NEW) internal recycling;
                                                 crude version of
                                                 film option
                                    2004/09 S.D. Huegelmeyer: adapted
                                                 to work with 'filelist'.
                                                 quicklook now
                                                 separate programm.
                                    2005/11 S.S. allow for .FIT extension of
                                                 files in addition to .fits
                                    2005/11 S.S. merged 'filelist' and
                                                 non-'filelist' branches (only 5
                                                 differing lines);
                                                 use 3 IF statements
                                                 within big loop instead
                                    2005/11 S.S. call to tripp_read_filelist
                                                 now requires log (before: log.last)
                                    2005/11 S.S. usage of /reduced keyword now
                                                 also works in combination with
                                                 'filelist' (and /quicklook)
                                    2005/11 S.S. allow for BUSCA-like file name
                                                 schemes without the BUSCA keyword
                                    2006/02 S.S. fixed the error introduced for
                                                 setting of "offset" variable during
                                                 the above 'improvement'
                                    2006/11 Sebastian Wende, extension keyword

Last modified by pro2html on 2006 December 19 at 04:11 UTC

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