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Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik

Abteilung Astronomie

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TRIPP_LOG_COMBINE Source code in tripp_log_combine.pro


           Sort the result of TRIPP_LOG_GUI
           in one result structure (type: TRIPP_LOG_TYPE).
           Additionally calculate the number of images, offset etc.
Input Parameters
           log1: structure containing the result of TRIPP_LOG_GUI
           structure: TAG NAMES in log1 must correspond to those
                      defined in tripp_log_type.
Output Parameters
           result: Structure - resorted structure log1
Revision History
           Version 1.0, 1999/05/07, Jochen Deetjen
           Version 1.1, 2001/01   , SLS, modify the selection radius in
                                    case it doesn't match the
                                    available radii
                        2001/02   , SLS, comparison needs to be for
                                    floats, not double
                        2001/02   , SLS, adapt to smaller gui
                        2001/05   , SLS, new nr_pos for BUSCA
                                    SLS, selection radius is the larger
                                    one, not the TWO nearest  when the
                                    initial choice is exactly in the
                        2004/08   , S.D. Huegelmeyer, adapted for use
                                    with 'filelist'.
           Version 2.0, 2005/03   , S.D. Huegelmeyer, adapted for
                                    dark correction option.
                        2005/10   , S.D. Huegelmeyer, commented out
                                    '.fits' check for filelist
                        2005/11   , S.S., allow for .FIT extension of
                                    files in addition to .fits
                        2005/11   , S.S., call to tripp_read_filelist
                                    now requires result (before: result.last)
                        2005/11   , S.S., use tripp_write_calilog to
                                    accomodate a larger variety of
                                    possible file name schemes,
                                    including BUSCA-like
                        2006/09   , S.S., suppress dark correction
                        2008/01   , S.S., simplify to one GUI

Last modified by pro2html on 2008 February 09 at 04:12 UTC

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