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Abteilung Astronomie

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TRIPP_GET_GJD Source code in tripp_get_gjd.pro


       Extract date and time from a FITS image header and return
       GeocenJD of CENTER of exposure.
 CAUTION: Adjust to FITS header structure !
       Astronomical Photometry.
Calling Sequence
       TRIPP_GET_GJD, file, log, gjd, etime=etime, utime=utime
Input Parameters
       FILE : Name of FITS file.
       log  : log file structure
Output Parameters
       GJD : GeocenJD of center of exposure.
Optional Output
       etime: exposure time
       utime: time in UT format
Revision History
       Version 1.0, 1996      , Ralf Geckeler -- CCD_TFITS
       Version 2.0, 1999/02/06, Jochen Deetjen
       Version 2.0, 1999/08/10, Stefan Dreizler
       Version 2.1, 2000/06/26, Patrick Risse, Weitere Option fuer
                                               FITS Header zugefuegt (ST7_E)
       Version 2.2  2000/11/01, Sonja L.-Schuh, weitere Option fuer CA
                                               2.2m Site#15
       Version 2.3  2001/01/15, Sonja L.-Schuh, weitere Option fuer
                                               MSSSO12 (Australia data)
       Version 2.4  2001/01/26, Sonja L.-Schuh, added option 'filetime':
                                               uses time mark when
                                               original fits was
                                               created, independent
                                               of FITS header
       Version 2.5  2001/02,    Sonja L.-Schuh, added etime
       Version 2.6  2001/05,    Sonja L.-Schuh, weitere Option fuer CA
                                               2.2m: BUSCA
       Version 2.6  2001/05,    Sonja L.-Schuh, weitere Option: MJD
                                Sonja L.-Schuh, weitere Option: HJD
       Version 2.6  2001/07,    Sonja L.-Schuh, weitere Option:
                                CAN1.2 for new (2001) CA 1.2 fits header
       Version 2.6  2002/08,    Sonja L.-Schuh, new options: SAAO,
                                                JD, GUNMA SARA,
                                                Bohyunsan, WISE
       Version 2.6  2002/12,    Eckart Goehler, new option: CA1.2-SHIFT
                                                for CAHA 1.23 m telescope
                                                start/shutter delay.
       Version 2.6  2002/12,    Sonja L. Schuh, new option:PISZEKESTETOE
                                                careful: year is 2001!
                                                and repaired timing
                                                error in SARA and
       Version 2.6 2004/02     Eckart Goehler   support for SBIG
                                                ST-7/7E of ST7-E
                                                (AIT) camera
       Version 2.6 2005/04     T.-O. Husser     added utime
       Version 2.6 2005/09     Sonja Schuh,     added STL keyword
       Version 2.6 2005/11     D.-J. Kusterer   added support for
                                                ST-L 6K and ST-L 1001
                                                in STL keyword
       Version 2.6 2005/11     Holger Israel    new option: NTT-SUSI2
       Version 3.0 2006/03     S.S.             switched to fxpar
                                                (from ccd_fhrd) and
                                                simplified call (log)
                   2006/04     S.S.             added keyword
                   2006/07     S.S.             added keyword

Last modified by pro2html on 2006 December 19 at 04:11 UTC

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