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Abteilung Astronomie

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TRIPP_GC Source code in tripp_gc.pro


                    Displays a full (FITS) image which is referred to
                    by filename and, after two mouse clicks on the
                    desired edges, zooms onto it in order to help
                    *** quickly select an appropriate window of
                    a fullframe image *** for which the coordinates
                    are printed out
                    astronomical: image display and measurement
Calling Sequence
Input Parameters
Optional Input Parameters

Keyword Parameters
                   _EXTRA   : All keywords are bypassed to the TRIPP_TV - procedure
                              used internally .
Output Parameters
                    up to two plot windows
                    printed output of selected coordinates
Optional Output
                    ima: array containing the then-readin image
Common Blocks
Side Effects
                    may leave one window open
                    imagefilenames has to refer to an image in FITS format
                    The purpose of this routine si NOT to be as
                    general as possible! On the contrary: it provides
                    a very specific and limited functionality which
                    is designed to help choose a (read-out) window QUICK
                    inspired by the MIDAS(ESO) procedure get/cursor
                    but provides additional (rather fix) functionality
                    - reads in the desired image using READFITS
                    - reads and prints cursor position on (left) click;
                    - displays selected area in a second window
                    - allows to repeat this procedure starting from the
                      original image until termination by (right or
                      middle) mouse click
                    tripp_gc, "/datapath/myimagefile.fits"
Revision History
                    Version 1.0 2001/07/25 Sonja L. Schuh

Last modified by pro2html on 2005 January 04 at 16:53 UTC

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