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TRIPP_EXTRACT_FLUX Source code in tripp_extract_flux.pro


       Automatical reduction of CCD frames to extract photometrical
       time series. Needs aperture mask stored in file <mask_file>
       and a catalog of reference star positions <pos_file>, created by
       Astronomical Aperture Photometry
Calling Sequence
       TRIPP_EXTRACT_FLUX, logname [,/intup, /silent, /no_cntrd,
                           frameshift=frameshift, /recycle, /skyfit]
Input Parameters
       logname:          Logfile, containing information about where
                         to find both the original and the reduced
                         images, the mask file, and the pos file, which
                         will all be needed here
Optional Input Parameters

Keyword Parameters
        silent:          Create no plots during run
        no_cntrd:        Do not try to re-center aperture on star
        intup:           Add up all the (reduced) images
        framenumbers:    Number of exposures per frame
        frameshift:      Pixels by which each exposure is shifted with
                         respect to the previous one
        recycle:         re-use old flux file and amend it
        skyfit:          display sky levels from tripp_rad_plot as
                         compared to tripp_flux
Output Parameters
       IDL save <flux_file> containing fluxes and areas in masks.
Optional Output
        If the /intup keyword is set, a fits file with the sum of all
        images (correctly shifted onto each other) will be produced
Common Blocks
Side Effects
        If the silent keyword is not set, up to three displays
        (window 0, 1 and 2)
        will be created during the run and destroyed at its end



Revision History
       Version 1.0, 1996      , Ralf Geckeler -- CCD_PRED
       Version 2.0, 1999/02/06, Jochen Deetjen
       Version 2.1, 1999/02/06, Stefan Dreizler; keyword silent added
       Version 2.1, 2000/11   , Sonja L. Schuh: added keyword no_cntrd
       Version 2.1  2001/01   , S.L. Schuh, change image to
                                  long(image) after READFITS
       Version 2.2  2001/02   , S.L. Schuh, defaulted silent to zero,
                                added display of extraction areas for
                                each image
                    2001/02   , SLS, added messages
                    2001/02   , SLS, added intup keyword and
                    2001/02   , SLS, adapted calls to tripp_tv to
                                correct handling of different image
                                sizes, also for /intup
                                SLS, exptime array is new
       Version 2.3  2001/05   , S.L. Schuh, more tests for frame
                                transfer method from BUSCA, correct time
                                stamps still missing but at least has
                                differential time marks now
                                undone: SLS, avoid error in mmm via
                                tripp_tv if image to display has
                                negative entries (i.e. in
                                "reduced" overscan area)
                    2001/05   , SLS, switched to
                                added recycle capabilities
                    2001/05   , SLS, skyfit keyword, no action on
                    2001/06   , SLS, added variable extraction radius
                    2001/06   , SLS,  debugged recycling for auto
                    2001/07   , SLS, suppress *all* windows if silent
                                is set (a bug had been introduced here
                                together with radauto)
                    2005/04   , TOH, added support for utime (for WET)
                    2005/11   , S.S. uint() in writefits call
                                to avoid excessive intup file size
                    2006/03   , S.S. changed call to tripp_get_gjd

Last modified by pro2html on 2006 May 15 at 03:11 UTC

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