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TRIPP_DEFINE_MASK_AUTOHELP Source code in tripp_define_mask_autohelp.pro


       Defines the mask of the image automatically for the number of
       sources defined in the logfile. Will define six background
       regions for each selected source.
       Astronomical Photometry.
Calling Sequence
       TRIPP_DEFINE_MASK_AUTOHELP, log,image,silent,$
Input Parameters
       logname   : the reduction logfile name
       log       : the reduction logfile variables
       image     : the image for which a mask will be defined
       BACK_POSX : empty array needed for internal positioning of
                   background fields
       BACK_POSY : empty array needed for internal positioning of
                   background field
       BACK_SUM  : empty array needed for internal positioning of
                   background field
       CUT       : defines rejection of background fields
       HSIDE     : half length of mask background box
       ISIZE     : image size
       IXH       : highest pixel number in x direction
       IXL       : lowest pixel number in xdirectio
       IYH       : highest pixel number in y direction
       IYL       : lowest pixel number in y direction
       RAD       : extraction radii
       XPOS      : x position of pivot point; make first entry in sx
       YPOS      : y position of pivot point; make first entry in sy
Keyword Parameters
       silent    : prevent screen output and disable
Output Parameters
       BX      : x-coordinates of background fields with (6 * # sources) entries
       BY      : y-coordinates of background fields with (6 * # sources) entries
       SX      : x-coordinates of stars
       SY      : y-coordinates of stars
       SNAME   : Reference name/number of stars
       JLOW    : index of faintest background field to use
       JHIGH   : index of brightest background field to use
       JOFFSET : offset used to reorder array of background field positions
                   equals 0 if 2 brightest bg fields are rejected
                   equals 1 if brightest & faintest bg field rejected
                   equals 2 if 2 faintest bg fields rejected
Revision History
       Version 1.0, 2004      , S.D. Huegelmeyer, S. Schuh
                    2006/03     S.S., obsoleted ccd_quad

Last modified by pro2html on 2006 May 15 at 03:11 UTC

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