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Abteilung Astronomie

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TRIPP_DEFINE_MASK Source code in tripp_define_mask.pro


       Create and store aperture pattern for automatic CCD
       time series reduction. Aperture file is used in TRIPP_EXTRACT_FLUX.
       Click on same position reference source as used in TRIPP_REDUCTION.
       For each source selected, six background regions will be defined.
       Astronomical Photometry.
Calling Sequence
       TRIPP_DEFINE_MASK, logname
Input Parameters
       logName : Name of reduction log file
Keyword Parameters
           no_cntrd : prevent centering of reference star
           cut      : defines rejection of background fields
           intup    : uses intup image from a previous run
                      instead of first image
           mouse    : interactive definition of extraction mask
           silent   : prevent screen output and disable
Output Parameters
       Aperture mask, saved in <mask_name>
Revision History
       Version 1.0, 1996      , Ralf Geckeler -- CCD_MASK
       Version 2.0, 1999/02/06, Jochen Deetjen
       Version 2.1  1999/12   , Stefan Dreizler no_cntrd and
                                  selected rejection of background fields added
       Version 2.1  2001/01   , S.L. Schuh, change image to
                                  long(image) after READFITS
       Version 2.2  2001/01   , S.L. Schuh, background fields may now
                                  be moved around by mouse clicks;
                                  affilated fields are being
                                  identified through color encoding
       Version 2.2  2001/02   , S.L. Schuh, extraction radii are
                                  being, shown, too
                    2001/02   , SLS, added messages
                    2001/02   , SLS, added no_intup keyword
                    2001/05   , SLS, force consistency with existing
                                pos file
                                undone: SLS, enable display of image with
                                negative values
                    2001/05   , SLS, switched to tripp_read_pos
        Version 2.3 2001/07   , EG,  replaced background mask definition
                                      algorithm with a more user friendly one.
        Version 2.4 2001/07   , SLS, obsoleted call to CCD_APP
        Version 2.5 2004/07   , SLS, preparations for automatic mask
                                definition: added mouse and silent
                                keywords, and call to new procedure
                    2004/08   , S.D. Huegelmeyer, adapted to use
                                with 'filelist'.
                    2005/09   , S.S., added _extra keyword
                                (to be communicated to tripp_tv)
                    2005/11   , S.S., call to tripp_read_filelist
                                now requires log (before: log.last)
                    2005/11   , S.S., de-coupled mouse and silent
                                keywords (to allow for easier remote
                                interactive mask definition without
                                moving of sky background); caution:
                                because of tvrd for ps output, silent
                                does not supress _all_ screen output!
                                / weeded out some old comments
                    2006/03     S.S., obsoleted ccd_quad

Last modified by pro2html on 2006 May 15 at 03:11 UTC

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