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TRIPP_DARK Source code in tripp_dark.pro


           Calculates function parameters to derive a dark image
           for a specified temperature and exposure time.
Input Parameters
           logname : Name of reduction log file
Optional Input Parameters
           nr_subframes : divide each image in <nr_subframes>
                          subimages (reduction of array size)
                          default = 1
           file typ   : FITS
           rule for image names: xyz0001.fits
                                 i.e. four digits - dot - extension
           or filelist
Output Parameters
           path/resultFile : result = fits file containing function
                                      parameters to derive dark.
Revision History
           Version 1.0, 2005/03, S.D. Huegelmeyer
                        2005/07, S.D. Huegelmeyer, error calculation
                                 for derived parameters
                        2005/10, S.D. Huegelmeyer, header do not need
                                 to have same size anymore.
                                 median zero substraction for each
                                 preparation for better fitting
                                 (omega added at certain positions). not
                                 working correctly, yet.
                        2005/11, S.S., call to tripp_read_filelist
                                 now requires log (before: log.last)
                        2005/11, S.S., currently no _mod needed so only
                                 removed addition of log.in_path here;
                                 added a bunch of comments for easier
                                 comparison with tripp_zero and
                        2005/11, S.S. transform image from uint to
                                 float after readfits call

Last modified by pro2html on 2006 May 15 at 03:10 UTC

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