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Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik

Abteilung Astronomie

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Table of Contents


Tripp is a set of subroutines to do automatic aperture photometry of a large number of CCD frames. Please refer to the TRIPP manual for further information. Inquires may be sent to the TRIPP team.

Index of Subroutines

TRIPP_CALC_RELFLUX (Statistical) analysis of flux data from photometrical time series.
TRIPP_CENT Find centroid of star image with DAOPHOT algorithm CNTRD, works either by giving approximate coordinates (x,y) or interactively by cursor.
TRIPP_CHECKLOG Check whether a logfile has been specified, check existence of logfile, complete logfile name if necessary
TRIPP_CHEESE_FLAT Generate image excluding all stars found in input image
TRIPP_CURVEFIT Non-linear least squares fit to a function of an arbitrary number of parameters. The function may be any non-linear function. If available, partial derivatives can be calculated by the user function, else this routine will estimate partial derivatives with a forward difference approximation.
TRIPP_DARK Calculates function parameters to derive a dark image for a specified temperature and exposure time.
TRIPP_HEADER Returns header for parameter fits file for dark image.
TRIPP_DARKLOG_GUI Definition of a graphical user interface for the dark version of the log files needed by the TRIPP routines
TRIPP_DARKLOG_TYPE Definition of a structure containing all information needed by the TRIPP routines
TRIPP_DEFINE_MASK Create and store aperture pattern for automatic CCD time series reduction. Aperture file is used in TRIPP_EXTRACT_FLUX. Click on same position reference source as used in TRIPP_REDUCTION. For each source selected, six background regions will be defined.
TRIPP_DEFINE_MASK_AUTOHELP Defines the mask of the image automatically for the number of sources defined in the logfile. Will define six background regions for each selected source.
DELTAT function which returns the expected time resolution of a periodogram or similar for a given period as derived from the total length of the observation ("timebase")
TRIPP_DET_REF Determination of a non-variable reference star.
EXIST Check whether a variable exists or not using the size function
TRIPP_EXTRACT_FLUX Automatical reduction of CCD frames to extract photometrical time series. Needs aperture mask stored in file <mask_file> and a catalog of reference star positions <pos_file>, created by programs TRIPP_DEFINE_MASK and TRIPP_REDUCTION.
TRIPP_FAKE_FLUX Create faked lightcurves with an error to be set on data. Used to test tripp process chain (especially the error computation)
TRIPP_FIT_SINUS provide sinus function as needed for input by TRIPP_CURVEFIT
TRIPP_FLAT combination of several flat images to one median flat image result = MEDIAN( flats - zero )
TRIPP_FLATLOG_GUI Definition of a graphical user interface for the flat version of the log files needed by the TRIPP routines
TRIPP_FLATLOG_TYPE Definition of a structure containing all information needed by the TRIPP routines
TRIPP_FLUX Integrates flux in circular or rectangular aperture centered on xcen, ycen. See following descriptions for details of centering and subpixels.
TRIPP_GC Displays a full (FITS) image which is referred to by filename and, after two mouse clicks on the desired edges, zooms onto it in order to help *** quickly select an appropriate window of a fullframe image *** for which the coordinates are printed out
TRIPP_GET_DARK Calculates dark image for given temperature and exposure time.
TRIPP_GET_GJD Extract date and time from a FITS image header and return GeocenJD of CENTER of exposure. CAUTION: Adjust to FITS header structure !
TRIPP_GET_MAGAMP convert intensity variation to amplitude in magnitudes, milli-magnitudes OR convert magnitudes (milli-magnitude) variation to intensity amplitude
TRIPP_GET_TEMP Reads CCD temperature from FITS header
TRIPP_GET_UTIME Creates a date string compatible to the WET standard
TRIPP_LOG_COMBINE Sort the result of TRIPP_LOG_GUI in one result structure (type: TRIPP_LOG_TYPE). Additionally calculate the number of images, offset etc.
TRIPP_LOG_GUI Definition of a graphical user interface for the first part of the log files needed by the TRIPP routines
TRIPP_LOG_TYPE definition of a structure containing all information needed by the TRIPP routines
TRIPP_MONITOR monitor incoming frames (can handle original or reduced frames automatically, and may be started by specifying either the first image filename or a logFile as usual) do a quick reduction if desired (see restrictions)
TRIPP_NEW_IMAGE_SIZE redefines position of reference source and area for cross-correlation when sizes of previous and current image do not match
TRIPP_PROCESS_IMAGE Display an image (e.g. flat) as well as the intensity on current pointer position. Basic image processing is supported: - masking out positive disturbance found with the DAOPHOT package - performing sigma filter processing Also the image could be marked as being accepted/rejected.
TRIPP_QUAD Overplot rectangle with side length 2*long(rad)+1, centered at long(xcen),long(ycen), as used in CCD_FLUX. The quadrangle includes only whole pixels (speed), therefore the center of the quadrangle may be shiftet by a fraction of a pixel in x/y.
TRIPP_QUICKLOOK carries out quicklook function for both filelist and non-filelist tripp_monitor calls.
TRIPP_RAD_PLOT Shrink a stellar image to 1D and return 1D-gaussfit parameters.
TRIPP_READ_DARK_LOG Read all parameters concerning the reduction of an zero/dark series. Definition of each structure element: see TRIPP_WRITE_DARK_LOG
TRIPP_READ_FILELIST reads in names from filelist and returns array of names.
TRIPP_READ_FLAT_LOG Read all parameters concerning the reduction of an flat series. Definition of each structure element: see TRIPP_WRITE_FLAT_LOG
TRIPP_READ_IMAGE_LOG Read all parameters concerning the reduction of an image series. Definition of each structure element: see TRIPP_WRITE_IMAGE_LOG
TRIPP_READ_POS Read in posfile and return entries as well as possible difference to expected number of entries from logfile
TRIPP_READ_SINFITPAR Read all parameters for sinus fitting. Definition of each structure element: see TRIPP_WRITE_SINFITPAR
TRIPP_READ_ZERO_LOG Read all parameters concerning the reduction of an zero/dark series. Definition of each structure element: see TRIPP_WRITE_ZERO_LOG
TRIPP_RECYCLE_FLUX partly fill predefined arrays with entries from an existing fluxfile that can have fewer entries than the arrays to be filled
TRIPP_REDUCTION dark- and flat field correction as well as determination of shifts
TRIPP_SELECT_RELFLUX Select for all sources the apperture radius. This is an experimental tool to allow one to use different apperture radii for each source.
TRIPP_SETSIMPAR think up all the default parameters needed for lightcurve simulation
TRIPP_SHADE3 Show an image three ways ...: Show a 2D array three ways in a display that combines SHADE_SURF CONTOUR, and an image (color/gray scale pixels).
TRIPP_SHOW_ALL Calculate Fourier Transforms of reduced photometrical data obtained with TRIPP_WRITE_FINAL from several combined blocks (or a single one). Show processed data as lightcurve, as frequency and period spectrum as obtained with SCARGLE in one ps-File. The front page contains additional information about the processing etc.
TRIPP_SHOW_EPOC Calculate epoc folding of reduced photometrical data obtained with TRIPP_WRITE_FINAL from several combined blocks (or a single one). Show processed data as lightcurve, and result of epoc folding as obtained with epfold in one ps-File. The front page contains additional information about the processing etc.
TRIPP_SHOW_FINAL Calculate Fourier Transforms of reduced photometrical data obtained with TRIPP_WRITE_FINAL. Write processed data as lightcurve, as frequency and period spectrum as obtained with SCARGLE, as rebinned lightcurve and its fast fourier transform to one ps-File.
TRIPP_SHOW_POS Display contents of pos file and edit if desired
TRIPP_SHOW_RAW Plot lightcurves of raw counts (stars and background) to check quality.
TRIPP_SHOW_RELFLUX Plot lightcurve and period spectrum as found with SCARGLE of reduced photometrical data obtained with TRIPP_CALC_RELFLUX using different extraction radii and save results to ps-File for inspection
TRIPP_SIMFAST Did what should now be taken over by the /multiple keyword for SCARGLE: produce multiple white noise light curves and pre-process them
TRIPP_SIMULATE Erzeuge Daten aus SINUS-Lichtkurve(n) der Periode(n) period(i) und Amplituden(n) amp(i) die integrierend gesampelt wird; alternativ: aneinandergesetzte Pulsprofile aus pfile
TRIPP_SINFIT Fit sinus functions to the data
TRIPP_SINFITPAR_EVENT Handles events from a graphical user interface for editing the fitting parameter files needed by tripp_sinfit
TRIPP_SINFITPAR_GUI Definition of a graphical user interface for editing the fitting parameter files needed by tripp_sinfit
TRIPP_SINFITPAR_TYPE Definition of a structure containing all information needed by the TRIPP_SINFIT routine
TRIPP_SMOOTH box smoothing
TRIPP_TIMING Provide an easy-to use interface for all sorts of timing analysis tools with data junks obtained from photometry with TRIPP or any time series
TRIPP_TV Display a CCD image. A coordinate system with pixel coordinates is established - coordinates (0,0) are lower left corner of pixel 0,0. Picture is autoscaled, maintaining relative scales of both axes.
TRIPP_WRITE_CALILOG_HELP since we use the same bits of code at this point in tripp_write_zero_log, tripp_write_flat_log, tripp_write_dark_log, and tripp_log_combine.pro, we keep it only in one place
TRIPP_WRITE_DARK_LOG Read all parameters concerning the reduction of an zero/dark series from terminal an write them in a log file.. Definition of each structure element: see below
TRIPP_WRITE_ERROR Compute error of light curve from rms information
TRIPP_WRITE_FINAL Clean IDL-saved flux data (*.rms-file) from photometrical time series and write to ASCII
TRIPP_WRITE_FLAT_LOG Read all parameters concerning the reduction of an flat series from terminal an write them in a log file.. Definition of each structure element: see below
TRIPP_WRITE_FREQTABLE derived from and using input/output from TRIPP_WRITE_SINFITPAR Print results from sinus fit functions to the data and to tex table
TRIPP_WRITE_IMAGE_LOG Read all parameters concerning the reduction of an image series from terminal and write them to a log file. Definition of each structure element: see below
TRIPP_WRITE_LIST Write all relative fluxes to ASCII files
TRIPP_WRITE_POS Write posfile
TRIPP_WRITE_RELFLUX Write IDL-saved flux data (*.rms-file) from photometrical time series to ascii
TRIPP_WRITE_SINFITPAR Define or edit parameters for sinus fitting in a parameter file. Definition of each structure element: see below
TRIPP_WRITE_WETSTANDARD Write data from photometrical time series to ascii file in WET standard format: time, object flux, skyflux @ object, comparison stars' fluxes, skyflux @ comparison stars
TRIPP_WRITE_ZERO_LOG Read all parameters concerning the reduction of an zero/dark series from terminal an write them in a log file.. Definition of each structure element: see below
TRIPP_ZERO combination of several zero images to one median zero image result = MEDIAN( zeros )
TRIPP_ZEROLOG_GUI Definition of a graphical user interface for the zero version of the log files needed by the TRIPP routines
TRIPP_ZEROLOG_TYPE Definition of a structure containing all information needed by the TRIPP routines

Last modified by pro2html on 2008 November 09 at 04:11 UTC

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