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PLOT_PERIOD Source code in plot_period.pro


       Plots a periodic data set stacked each period above the
       other. Gaps are ommited. Period is aligned acording first
       element of time array modulo period (i.e. first shown plot
       always contains first time tag).
Calling Sequence
       PLOT_PERIOD, TIME, RATE, PERIOD,                                $
Input Parameters
       TIME     : Float array containg time of each data point.
       RATE     : Float array containing each data point.
                  The number of elements must equal to TIME.
Optional Input Parameters
       CYCLELIST: Integer array containing the index of desired
                  periods starting from zero. May be used to select
                  certain periods.
       PSFILE   : String. File name of postscript file to plot data
                  into instead of displaying at the current window.
       _EXTRA   : All keywords are bypassed to the PLOT - procedure
                  internally used.
Keyword Parameters
       BINNED   : Assume data to be binned with a (almost) fix period and
                  try to acknowledge gaps which are not supported by
Output Parameters
       Plot on window.
Revision History
       Version 1.0, 2001/07/23, Eckart Goehler, Initial version.
       Version 1.1, 2001/07/26, SLS, fine-tune postscript output
       Version 1.2, 2002/01/06, Eckart Goehler, Also possible for
       non-integer time intervals and time sequences which start not
       at zero (time will be aligned at first time entry in time arry
       modulo period).

Last modified by pro2html on 2005 January 04 at 16:48 UTC

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