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Abteilung Astronomie

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dynscarg Source code in dynscarg.pro


       produce a dynamical scargle periodogram of a timeseries
       and display PSD
        OBSOLETE, DO NOT USE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
       time series analysis
Calling Sequence
Input Parameters
       tt: time
       rr: count rate
       file: file name of encapsulated PS-File to be produced
Optional Input Parameters
       dt: time distance between individual PSDs (default: 4)
       tlen: length of the individual time series that are used
             to generate the PSD
      pmin:  minimum period to consider (0)
      pmax:  maximum period to consider (tlen/2)
      numf:  number of frequency points (500)
      sig : significance levels (99, and 99.9 %)
      raterr: error bars for rate. Plot symbols instead of lines.
Keyword Parameters
       ghost: invoke ghostscript after plot is done
       grey:  grey scale plot instead of color
       color: It's color instead of count rate
       tbin:  Do psym=10 plots, with errors, in a way that will make
              even Joern happy (i.e., gaps are explicit)
       nolabel: Don't put a label on the ASM significance levels!
       chatty: be chappy
Output Parameters
       an encapsulated postscript file is produced
       it is not checked whether the desired period range is
       pieces of length tlen of the time series are transformed
       with the lomb scargle periodogram and normalized to the
       maximum value. The result is plotted.

Revision History
       Version 0.5: 1999/08/07: Joern Wilms
           ([email protected])
       Version 0.6: 1999/08/25: Joern Wilms
           I hope the normalization is now finally all right...
       Version 0.7: 1999/08/26: Michael Nowak
           Added raterr as an optional input, color as a keyword,
           tbin as a keyword
       Version 0.8: 1999/08/27: JW, added sublabel keyword

Last modified by pro2html on 2005 January 04 at 16:45 UTC

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Jörn Wilms ([email protected])
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