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cygx1_rmsflux.pro cygx1_rmsflux Source code in cygx1_rmsflux.pro


NAME: wheretomulti.pro FUNCTION: Convert WHERE output to 2d or 3d indices USAGE: WhereToMulti, Array, Indices, Col, Row, Frame
Input Parameters
   Array: the array that was WHERE'd
   Indices: the indices returned by WHERE
Output Parameters
   Col:     Indices to first dimension.
   Row:     Indices to second dimension.
   Frame:   Indices to third dimension. Returned only for 3-d array.

Keyword Parameters


Side Effects

Error Handling
   If Array is not a vector or matrix, all return values are set to zero
   and a message is written to the screen.

Revision History
 1998 Sept 15  J.L.Saba        Developed based on code from David Fanning's
                               web site.


          calculate the rms variability sigma and the mean flux of
          1s-lightcurve segments, bin sigma as a function of segment
          flux and fit a linear function (according to Uttley, Ph. and
          McHardy, I.M., MNRAS 2001, 323, L26-L30)
          rmsflux.pro can conveniently be called by allrmsflux.
          When binning sigma as a function of segment flux, each bin
          has to contain at least n_val measurements to ensure an
          accurate estimate of the standard error in the mean sigma.
          The linear fit has the form y=k*x+a (sigma=k*flux+a), so the fit
          results are slope k and offset a.
          timing tools
Calling Sequence

Input Parameters
          id           : string containing the observation
          obspath      : string giving the directory path to the
                         proposal number
Optional Input Parameters

Keyword Parameters
          eband        : energy band(s); in case you do not want to
                         limit yourself to one eband once, you define
                         in an array which ebands you want to sum up
                         e.g. eband=[1,2,3]
                         default: 1 (lowest energy band)
                         NB: lowest eband has number 1, not 0!
          freqlimits   : lower and upper frequency limits, the rms is
                         to calculated for, e.g. for [0.1,1.,10.] the
                         rms is calculated for three frequency bands
                         default: min/max Fourier frequency
          n_pts        : min. number of data points for the linear
                         fit. When this number is smaller than
                         n_pts, the program exits without result.
                         default: 6
          binnum       : number of bins the flux range is divided into
                         default: 20
          minnum       : min. number of data points in each time bin. When
                         this number is smaller than minnum, the bin is left
                         default: 4
          fileoutput   : controls output of result files, written to
                         resultfile and plotfile
                         default: no output
                         to write result files, set fileoutput=1
          chatty       : controls screen output ;
                         default: no output;
                         to turn on screen output, set chatty=1
          seglength    : the length (in seconds) of a lightcurve
                         default: 1 (s)
Output Parameters
          b            : slope b of the linear fit
          dev_b        : probable uncertainty sigma of b
          a            : offset a of the linear fit
          dev_a        : probable uncertainty sigma of a
Optional Output

Common Blocks

Side Effects
          the results of the linear fit are written to a file
          the linear fit plot is written to a file

Procedures Used
          cygx1_rmsflux,'31.all.14off','/xtescratch/katja/cygex/P50110', $
Revision History
          Version 1.0, 2002/02/22 TG (IAAT)
          Version 1.1, 2002/02/26 TG
                 Use mpfitfun.pro to fit a linear function
                 instead of linfit.pro (uses igamma.pro) as I often received the
                 message "IGAMMA: failed to converge within given parameters"
          Version 1.2, 2002/03/12 JW optional keywords
                 fn=fn,sn=sn,errsn=errsn added
          2002/04/04 TG, JW
                 fundamental change in the binning procedure: does
                 not follow any more rebinlc.pro from the aitlib but
                 uses now the vector notation
          2002/04/23 TG
                 now y=B*X+A AND y=k*(x-c) are fitted and saved
          2003/03/07 TG, JW
                 computes the uncertainties at the 90 % confidence
                 level for the two interesting parameters k and C

Last modified by pro2html on 2005 January 04 at 16:44 UTC

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