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writest2f Source code in writest2f.pro


             read XTE/PCA standard2f lightcurves from different
             subobservations and featuring different detector
             combinations; merge them, with optional background and
             deadtime correction; write merged lightcurve to FITS
             file (using MJD and UTC); Poisson errors are included by
             RXTE timing tools
Calling Sequence
             writest2f,path=path,dirs=dirs,out=out, $
               object=object, $
               earthvle=earthvle,skyvle=skyvle, $
               exclusive=exclusive,top=top, $
               nopcu0=nopcu0,fivepcu=fivepcu, $
Input Parameters
             path      : string, path to the directories containing
                         the lightcurves to be merged and to the
                         directory containing the merged lightcurve
             dirs      : string array, directories containing
                         the lightcurves to be merged
             out       : string, directory to contain the merged lightcurve
Optional Input Parameters
             object    : string, name of the source,
                         default: ''
Keyword Parameters
             noback    : if set, the merged lightcurve is not
                         background corrected,
                         default: noback=0, skyvle=1 (Cyg X-1!)
             faint,q6,earthvle,,skyvle :
                         if set, background subtraction using the
                         according model background lightcurve is
                         default: noback=0, skyvle=1 (Cyg X-1!)
             exclusive : if set, only input lightcurve file names including
                         '_excl' are considered,
                         default: exclusive=0
             top       : if set, only input lightcurve file names including
                         '_top' are considered,
                         default: top=0
             nopcu0    : if set, only input lightcurve file names including
                         '_ign0' are considered,
                         note: deadtime correction algorithm is not
                         correct for these lightcurves!
                         default: nopcu0=0
             fivepcu   : if set, normalize count rates wrt to whole
                         PCA, i.e, wrt five PCUs
                         default: fivepcu=0, i.e., give average count
                         rate per PCU
             cass      : if set, use CASS paths
                         default: cass=0, i.e., use Tuebingen paths
             deadorr   : if set, the merged lightcurve is deadtime
                         default: deadcorr=0
             noerror   : if set, the merged lightcurve does not
                         contain an error array,
                         default: noerror=0
Output Parameters
             none, but see side effects
Optional Output
Common Blocks
Side Effects
             writes the lightcurve to a FITS file, path and filename
             are build using the following inputs: path, out,
             (noback), (fivepcu), (deadcorr)
             the lightcurves to be merged have to be named according
             to the Tuebingen extraction scripts
Procedures Used
             readxtedata, writelc
        object='Cyg X-1'
        writest2f,path=path,dirs=dirs,out=out,object=object, $
Revision History
             Version 1.1, 2001 Mar 22, Katja Pottschmidt
                          initial revision
             Version 1.2, 2001 Mar 22, Katja Pottschmidt
                          removed @ compilations
             Version 1.3, 2001 Mar 22, Katja Pottschmidt
                          minor change in header
             Version 1.4, 2001 May 09, Eckart G�hler
                          added propagation of /faint keyword
                          to readxtedata

Last modified by pro2html on 2005 January 04 at 16:44 UTC

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