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readxfl Source code in readxfl.pro


             reads the .xfl file
             RXTE data analysis
Calling Sequence

Input Parameters

Optional Input Parameters

Keyword Parameters

Output Parameters


Revision History
 $Log: readxfl.pro,v $
 Revision 1.9  2008/07/24 12:41:05  pkretsch
 Added check that there is any finite number in el0 before accessing the array
 with the index el0_finite.
 Revision 1.8  2005/11/09 13:24:05  wilms
 switch off annoying readfits output
       CVS Version 1.5, 2002/08/19, Thomas Gleissner, IAA Tuebingen
          check whether all finite values of el0 are zero;
          if so, el0 cannot be used because the detector does not
       CVS Version 1.6, 2002/10/14, Thomas Gleissner, IAA Tuebingen
          Variable EL0_DETECTOR was checked in a way that caused
          problems if  keyword 'nopcu0' was set. I changed it..
       CVS Version 1.7, 2002/10/14, Thomas Gleissner, IAA Tuebingen
          I thought I had changed it ... but I had missed to delete
          some parentheses. Now it works :)

Last modified by pro2html on 2008 July 25 at 03:10 UTC

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