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Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik

Abteilung Astronomie

Sand 1, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany
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Table of Contents


Miscellaneous subroutines that do not fit somewhere else but are deemed interesting enough to be included in the aitlib.

Index of Subroutines

abspath converts relative path to absolute path
close_print close the PS device opened with open_print and switch back to the previous device
cxyouts The CXYOUTS procedure draws text on the currently selected graphics device starting at the designated coordinate while supporting strings with color information. The string escapes the color information with "!f<color>", e.g. "foo!f100bar" draws "bar" with color 100.
dms2deg Convert coordinates in dms-Format to degrees
explabel.pro NO EXPLANATION
file_exist return 1 if filename exists, 0 if not
floggen Generate a logarithmic grid from xmin to xmax, each inclusive, with npt points
gaussfold Smoothes a plot by convolving with a Gaussian profile. Main purpose is to convolve a spectrum (flux against wavelength) with a given instrument resolution. Also applicable e.g. to smooth ligthcurves or in time-series analysis.
hms2deg Convert coordinates in hms-Format to degrees
ifthen This function returns a certain value if the expression is true, otherwise the other value. This function can be used as an "if statement in an expression" like the C ?: - operator. Other than the if statement this function works for arrays also provided the dimensions of expression and true/false values are the same.
jwdateaxis To plot an x-axis labeled with the date(s) instead of the Julian Date or MJD.
jwlabelaxis print axis labels at defined positions of the x- or y-axis (useful, e.g., for logarithmic axes spanning less than 2 decades)
jwoploterr Overplot data-points with possible uncertainties in the X- and Y-direction to a pre-existing plot (in this sense the functionality is similar to oploterr). If the error-bars do not fit in the given x- or y-range, plot arrows.
jwplotlc plot a lightcurve
make_staircase Calculate a "staircase" of x and y values from input x and y and associated dx and dy arrays. This allows nicer plotting than IDL's "histogram" symbol
misclabel.pro NO EXPLANATION
PURPOSE: Procedure to set up plotting to ps-files CATEGORY: misc NO EXPLANATION
plotinter.pro NO EXPLANATION
ran2 returns one or more uniform random deviate between 0.0 and 1.0
ran2_normal returns one or more normally-distributed random numbers with mean of zero an standard deviation of one.
ran2_poisson returns one or more poisson-distributed random numbers with given mean, using the ran2 random number generator.
ran3 returns a uniform random deviate between 0.0 and 1.0
ran3_normal returns one or more normally-distributed random numbers with mean of zero an standard deviation of one, using the ran3 random number generator.
ran3_poisson returns one or more poisson-distributed random numbers with given mean, using the ran3 random number generator.
readoptima Read optima binary data
rndexp return a random value on the basis of an exponential distribution with a given average
rndexp2 return a random value on the basis of an exponential distribution with a given average, based on ran2
strepex Performs replacements of parts in strings by using regular expressions (REPlacement of regular EXpressions). Subexpressions may be also inserted into the replacement string.

Last modified by pro2html on 2008 November 09 at 04:10 UTC

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