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readrsp Source code in readrsp.pro


           Read a OGIP conformant response matrix
           High energy astrophysics
Calling Sequence
Input Parameters
           filename: filename of the matrix to be read
Optional Input Parameters

Keyword Parameters
      caldb     : set if caldb-entries are to be read; implies:
                    utcday,utctime,caldes as outputs
      variable  : if set, matrix contains variable length entries
                  (cludge, uses other version of fxbread)
      nomatrix  : if set, no matrix is read (speeds up things)
Output Parameters
      energy    : array defining the energy-bins of the RMF
                  (consecutive energies are assumed!)
      channel   : array defining the energy-bins corresponding to
                  each channel
      matrix    : matrix defining the energy to channel conversion
                  Dimension is matrix(energy-1,channel-1), thus
                  matrix(3,6) is the probability that a photon with
                  photon energy between energy(3) and energy(4) will
                  end up in channel 6 (provided that the
                  "real-life" channel numbering scheme starts in channel 0)
Optional Output
      telescope : Telescope for which the rmf is given
      instrument: instrument for which the rmf is given
      filter    : filter for which the rmf is given
      phafile   : phafile for which the rmf has been computed
      origin    : origin of rsp-file
      threshold : all entries in the matrix smaller than threshold are set
                  to zero
      type      : 0 for pure redistribution (each row is normalized
                    to unity)
                  1 matrix contains all energy dependent effects,
                    i.e. the ARF is included.
      the following require that /caldb be set
      utcday    :     utc (dd/mm/yy) when this data should be first used
      utctime   :     utc (hh:mm:ss) when this data should be first used
      caldes    :     description of entry
   see Legacy, 2, p.51ff and OGIP memo CAL-GEN 92-002 and 002a
Revision History
      $Log: readrsp.pro,v $
      Revision 1.5  2007/05/24 13:14:49  kuster
      - Fixed bug in channel number calculation
      written a long time ago (1996?) by Joern Wilms
      Version 1.0: 2000/06/15: added documentation header

Last modified by pro2html on 2007 May 25 at 03:10 UTC

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