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plotpulse Source code in plotpulse.pro


       Plot a pulse profile in 'pretty' fashion
Calling Sequence
Input Parameters
       profile : PULSEPROFILE structure
Optional Input Parameters
       first       : First energy band to plot (If not given: 1)
       last        : Last energy band to plot (If not given: first+9)
       xrange      : An array [xmin,xmax] to limit the plot range for X axis
       yrange      : An array with 2N values (lower,upper) for the yranges
                     in the N plotted energy bands.
       box         : An area in NORMAL coordinates within which the whole
                     plot will be contained.
       title       : The overall title of the plot (set on top).
       xtitle      : Title for the X-axis (Default is 'Pulse Phase').
       ytitle      : Title for the X-axis (Default is 'Counts / s').
       annotations : An array of N strings with annotations for N energy
       colors      : An array with N color table indices for N energy bands.
Keyword Parameters
       exposure  : LOGICAL - Plot the exposure time below profiles
       noerror   : LOGICAL - Plot profiles without error bars
       energy    : LOGICAL - Annotate individual panels with energy range
                             (may be 0.0-0.0 if this information has not
                              been filled for the structure)
       channel   : LOGICAL - Annotate individual panels with range of
                             original instrument channels used for this
                             (if this information is set in structure)
       over      : LOGICAL - Plot profiles over existing plot (implies
                             either yrange or othery set).
       samepage  : LOGICAL - Plot this without going to a new page
       othery    : LOGICAL - Y-scale of overplotted profile != original scale
       blocks    : LOGICAL - Plot profile with 'blocks' instead of error-bars
       zerolower : LOGICAL - Have y-range start at 0.0 or negative
       verbose   : LOGICAL - Be talkative about processing
       noymarks  : LOGICAL - Don't write numbers to y-axis
       noxmarks  : LOGICAL - Don't write numbers to x-axis
       linestyle   : linestyle as in plotting keyword
       psym        : plot symbol as in plotting keyword
       thickness   : line thickness as plotting keyword
       tcharsize   : relative size of title characters
       charsize    : multiplicative scaling factor for character sizes
Output Parameters
Optional Output
Common Blocks
Side Effects
       In case of crash, several !p.xxx variables may have been changed.
       * Complex procedure
       just read it
Revision History
       Version 1.0: 1999/11/12 PK
                    first fully functional version
       Version 1.1: 1999/11/24 PK
                    put subprocedures first in code;
                    renamed subprocedures to plotpulse_***;
                    corrected documentation
       Version 1.2: 2000/04/11 PK
                    corrected several typos
                    extended x-axis range slightly for nicer plot
       Version 2.0: 2005/09/21 PK
                    Allow plot with highest energy on top
       Version 2.1: 2006/09/28 PK
                    Improved color handling, allowing one color value

Last modified by pro2html on 2007 March 28 at 03:10 UTC

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